Thank you so much for your interest in contributing to polymer-twitter-timeline. Here are some guidelines to help you get started -
- Fork this repository into your own account. Learn to do that here
- Clone that repository on your local computer. If you're a beginner, learn to do that here
- Create a branch with the work you're going to do, we want the Master branch to be production ready. Learn how to create a branch here or here
- When finished with changes, create a Pull Request. Learn to that here
Check the list of issues to see if there is anything you can contribute to and help us make this project even more awesome !
Guidelines for reporting Bugs/Issues:
- Check the Github Issues to see if the bug has already been reported.
- Check if issue is fixed and try to reproduce with latest release
- Please try and be as descriptive as possible. Add what went wrong, the expected outcome and the actual result.