- donnemartin/system-design-primer
- donnemartin/interactive-coding-challenges
- github/gitignore
- airbnb/javascript
- isocpp/CppCoreGuidelines
- hellerve/programming-talks
- public-apis/public-apis
- ziishaned/learn-regex
- freeCodeCamp/freeCodeCamp
- jlevy/the-art-of-command-line
- iluwatar/java-design-patterns - Design patterns implemented in Java
- trekhleb/javascript-algorithms
- danistefanovic/build-your-own-x
- mtdvio/every-programmer-should-know
- tiimgreen/github-cheat-sheet
- 30-seconds/30-seconds-of-code
- sindresorhus/awesome
- GokuMohandas/practicalAI
- tuvtran/project-based-learning
- aymericdamien/TensorFlow-Examples
- gothinkster/realworld
- vinta/awesome-python
- TheAlgorithms/Python
- freeCodeCamp/devdocs
- Kickball/awesome-selfhosted
- adam-p/markdown-here
- nvbn/thefuck
- kahun/awesome-sysadmin
- yangshun/awesome-spinners
- h5bp/Front-end-Developer-Interview-Questions
- yangshun/front-end-interview-handbook
- OWASP/CheatSheetSeries
- jwasham/coding-interview-university
- viraptor/reverse-interview
- lexfridman/mit-deep-learning
- wesbos/JavaScript30
- ChristosChristofidis/awesome- deep - learning
- dylanaraps/pure-bash-bible
- adambard/learnxinyminutes-docs
- rstacruz/cheatsheets
- joshbuchea/HEAD
- awesomedata/awesome-public-datasets
- redecentralize/alternative-internet - A collection of interesting new networks and tech aiming at decentralisation (in some form)
- serhii-londar/open-source-mac-os-apps - 🚀 Awesome list of open source applications for macOS
- google/eng-practices - Google's Engineering Practices documentation
- ripienaar/free-for-dev - A list of SaaS, PaaS and IaaS offerings that have free tiers of interest to devops and infradev
- danielmiessler/SecLists
- hoanhan101/ultimate-go
- awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted
- lukasz-madon/awesome-remote-job - A curated list of awesome remote jobs and resources
- abhat222/Data-Science--Cheat-Sheet
- trimstray/the-book-of-secret-knowledge - A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools and more.
- learn-anything/learn-anything - Organize world's knowledge, explore connections and curate learning paths
- sdmg15/Best-websites-a-programmer-should-visit
- nikitavoloboev/my-mac-os
- Mozilla · GitHub
- ProtonMail · GitHub
- Tutao GmbH · GitHub
- ProtonVPN · GitHub
- edX · GitHub
- DuckDuckGo · GitHub
- Automattic · GitHub
- Nextcloud · GitHub
- ownCloud · GitHub
- WebAssembly
- Bitwarden
- Mozilla
- Microsoft
- Keybase
- Shopify · GitHub
- tmux-plugins · GitHub
- Standard Notes · GitHub
- Python · GitHub
- Linode · GitHub
- React Training · GitHub
- JetBrains · GitHub
- shadowsocks · GitHub
- Bitcoin · GitHub
- ethereum · GitHub
- thoughtbot · GitHub
- i3/i3
- i3/i3lock
- baskerville/bspwm
- Airblader/i3
- ranger/ranger
- jarun/nnn
- nushell/nushell
- tldr-pages/tldr
- dylanaraps/neofetch
- ImageMagick/ImageMagick
- brndnmtthws/conky
- kovidgoyal/kitty
- baskerville/sxhkd
- polybar/polybar
- nicolargo/glances
- 3b1b/manim
- zealdocs/zeal
- chubin/cheat.sh
- neomutt/neomutt
- Foundry376/ Mailspring
- zfsonlinux/zfs
- dylanaraps/fff
- awesomeWM/awesome
- xmonad/xmonad
- TeamNewPipe/NewPipe
- jwilm/alacritty - A cross-platform, GPU-accelerated terminal emulator
- qutebrowser/qutebrowser - A keyboard-driven, vim-like browser based on PyQt5
- weechat/weechat - The extensible chat client
- sorin-ionescu/prezto - The configuration framework for Zsh
- marktext/marktext - A simple and elegant markdown editor, available for Linux, macOS and Windows
- BurntSushi/ripgrep - ripgrep recursively searches directories for a regex pattern
- jrnl-org/jrnl - Collect your thoughts and notes without leaving the command line
- SpaceVim/SpaceVim
- mrdoob/three.js
- jekyll/jekyll
- hakimel/reveal.js
- gohugoio/hugo
- tailwindcss/tailwindcss
- microsoft/PowerToys
- readthedocs/readthedocs.org
- sveltejs/ svelte
- zeit/next.js
- chocolatey/choco
- Homebrew/brew
- pi-hole/pi-hole
- Dogfalo/materialize
- jgthms/bulma
- gatsbyjs/gatsby
- syncthing/syncthing
- daneden/animate.css
- gorhill/ uBlock
- ipfs/ipfs
- hashicorp/terraform
- getzola/zola
- nlohmann/json
- matrix-org/synapse
- thepracticaldev/dev.to
- huginn/huginn
- react-bootstrap/react-bootstrap
- badges/shields
- zeit/next.js
- npm/cli
- zeit/hyper
- Automattic/simplenote-electron
- lukesampson/scoop - A command-line installer for Windows
- k9mail/k-9 - K-9 Mail - Advanced Email for Android
- xwiki-labs/cryptpad - The Encrypted Collaboration Suite
- kanboard/kanboard - Kanban project management software
- PrismJS/prism - Lightweight, robust, elegant syntax highlighting
- jaspervdj/hakyll - A static website compiler library in Haskell
- hashicorp/packer - Packer is a tool for creating identical machine images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration
- dracula/dracula-theme - A dark theme for all the things!
- n8n-io/n8n - Free node based Workflow Automation Tool. Easily automate tasks across different services
- darkreader/darkreader - Dark Reader Chrome and Firefox extension
- jamiebuilds/react-loadable - A higher order component for loading components with promises
- veracrypt/VeraCrypt - Disk encryption with strong security based on TrueCrypt
- paperwork/paperwork - Paperwork - OpenSource note-taking & archiving alternative to Evernote, Microsoft OneNote & Google Keep
- standardnotes/web - A free, open-source, and completely encrypted notes app.
- lerna/lerna - A tool for managing JavaScript projects with multiple packages
- KyleAMathews/typography.js - A powerful toolkit for building websites with beautiful design
- gridsome/gridsome - ⚡️Build lightning fast websites and apps with Vue.js
- miniflux/miniflux - Minimalist and opinionated feed reader
- GetStream/Winds - A Beautiful Open Source RSS & Podcast App Powered by Getstream.io
- stumpwm/stumpwm - The Stump Window Manager
- magit/magit - It's Magit! A Git porcelain inside Emacs
- lupoDharkael/flameshot - Powerful yet simple to use screenshot software
- laurent22/joplin
- chriskempson/base16 - An architecture for building themes
- jaredpalmer/formik - Build forms in React, without the tears 😭
- redux-form/redux-form - A Higher Order Component using react-redux to keep form state in a Redux store
- codesandbox/codesandbox-client - An online code editor tailored for web application development 🏖️
- lastpass/lastpass-cli - LastPass command line interface tool
- gravitational/teleport - Privileged access management for elastic infrastructure
- pubkey/rxdb
- gabrielbull/react-desktop - React UI Components for macOS High Sierra and Windows 10
- altercation/solarized - precision color scheme for multiple applications (terminal, vim, etc.) with both dark/light modes
- starship/starship - ☄🌌️ The cross-shell prompt for astronauts
- notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus - Notepad++ official repository
- markdown-it/markdown-it - Markdown parser, done right. 100% CommonMark support, extensions, syntax plugins & high speed
- markedjs/marked
- borgbackup/borg
- asciinema/asciinema
- 11ty/eleventy
- junegunn/fzf - A markdown parser and compiler. Built for speed
- playframework/playframework
- cdnjs/cdnjs - The #1 free and open source CDN built to make life easier for developers
- meteor/meteor
- styled-components/styled-components
- PowerShell/PowerShell
- rapid7/metasploit-framework
- d3/d3
- adobe/brackets
- mozilla/pdf.js
- git/git
- vuejs/vue
- twbs/bootstrap
- facebook/react
- electron/electron
- flutter/flutter
- nodejs/node
- golang/go
- kubernetes/kubernetes
- tensorflow/models
- reduxjs/redux
- atom/atom
- apple/swift
- angular/angular.js
- jquery/jquery
- expressjs/express
- rails/rails
- rust-lang/rust
- django/django
- pallets/flask
- tensorflow/tensorflow
- robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh
- syl20bnr/spacemacs
- neovim/neovim
- ytdl-org/youtube-dl
- ansible/ansible
- torvalds/linux
- babel/babel
- keras-team/keras
- crystal-lang/crystal
- nim-lang/Nim
- elixir-lang/elixir
- pure-css/pure
- hashicorp/vagrant
- tootsuite/mastodon
- diaspora/diaspora
- typicode/json-server
- facebook/create-react-app
- yarnpkg/yarn
- edx/edx-platform
- Automattic/mongoose
- nextcloud/server - ☁️ Nextcloud server, a safe home for all your data
- owncloud/core - ownCloud web server core (Files, DAV, etc.)
- haiwen/seafile - High performance file syncing and sharing, with also Markdown WYSIWYG editing, Wiki, file label and other knowledge management features
- chartjs/Chart.js - Simple HTML5 Charts using the tag
- feathersjs/feathers - A framework for real-time applications and REST APIs with JavaScript and TypeScript
- socketio/socket.io - Realtime application framework (Node.JS server)
- keybase/client - Keybase Go Library, Client, Service, OS X, iOS, Android, Electron
- infernojs/inferno - An extremely fast, React-like JavaScript library for building modern user interfaces
- react-static/react-static - ⚛️ 🚀 A progressive static site generator for React
- FFmpeg/FFmpeg - Mirror of git://source.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.git
- discourse/discourse - A platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple
- go-gitea/gitea - Git with a cup of tea, painless self-hosted git service
- prometheus/prometheus - The Prometheus monitoring system and time series database
- Chocobozzz/PeerTube - Federated (ActivityPub) video streaming platform using P2P (BitTorrent) directly in the web browser with WebTorrent and Angular
- cdr/code-server - Run VS Code on a remote server
- BoostIO/Boostnote - A markdown editor for developers on Mac, Windows and Linux
- google/python-fire - Python Fire is a library for automatically generating command line interfaces (CLIs) from absolutely any Python object
- phoenixframework/phoenix - Productive. Reliable. Fast
- ionic-team/ionic - Build amazing native and progressive web apps with open web technologies. One app running on everything 🎉
- TryGhost/Ghost
- polynote/polynote
- shadowsocks/shadowsocks-android - A shadowsocks client for Android
- bitcoin/bitcoin - Bitcoin Core integration/staging tree
- ethereum/go-ethereum - Official Go implementation of the Ethereum protocol
- powerline/fonts - Patched fonts for Powerline users
- juliangarnier/anime - JavaScript animation engine
- google/fonts - Font files available from Google Fonts
- restic/restic
- fish-shell/fish-shell
- home-assistant/home-assistant - Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first
- PapyElGringo/material-shell
- KittyKatt/screenFetch
- cheat/cheat
- pwmt/zathura
- Y2Z/monolith
- irssi/irssi
- muennich/sxiv
- sharkdp/pastel
- karlstav/cava
- mayfrost/guides
- newsboat/newsboat
- mtoyoda/sl
- abishekvashok/cmatrix
- amanusk/s-tui
- anvaka/pm
- lfos/calcurse
- ciderpunx/twitrssme
- passff/passff
- denisidoro/navi
- srsudar/eg
- santinic/how2
- gleitz/howdoi
- go-shiori/shiori
- M66B/NetGuard
- dunst-project/dunst
- albertlauncher/albert - A fast and flexible keyboard launcher
- romkatv/powerlevel10k - A fast reimplementation of Powerlevel9k ZSH theme
- phiresky/ripgrep-all - ripgrep, but also search in PDFs, E-Books, Office documents, zip, tar.gz, etc
- chrispsn/mesh
- Kunzisoft/KeePassDX
- rudderlabs/rudder-server
- sherlock-project/sherlock
- wifiphisher/wifiphisher
- schollz/hostyoself
- knadh/listmonk
- cmiscm/leonsans
- dc-js/dc.js
- Ibit-to/google-unlocked
- ozkl/soso
- Miserlou/Zappa
- HelloZeroNet/ZeroNet
- dumb-password-rules/dumb-password-rules
- electerious/Ackee
- jedisct1/dsvpn
- ligi/SurvivalManual
- MobileOrg/mobileorg
- orgzly/orgzly-android
- andOTP/andOTP
- ixy-languages/ixy-languages
- honestbleeps/Reddit-Enhancement-Suite
- STRML/strml.net
- storj/storj
- minimaxir/hacker-news-undocumented
- adblockradio/adblockradio
- Tencent/rapidjson
- antontarasenko/smq
- idealo/imagededup - 😎 Finding duplicate images made easy!
- GitHub - hsoft/collapseos - Bootstrap post-collapse technology
- leeoniya/uPlot - An exceptionally fast, tiny time series chart
- buckket/twtxt - Decentralised, minimalist microblogging service for hackers
- evildmp/BrachioGraph - BrachioGraph is an ultra-cheap (total cost of materials - €14) plotter that can be built with minimal skills
- cortexproject/cortex - A multitenant, horizontally scalable Prometheus as a Service
- QuiteRSS/quiterss - Free news feeds reader
- pixelfed/pixelfed - Photo Sharing. For Everyone
- mateodelnorte/meta - tool for turning many repos into a meta repo. why choose many repos or a monolithic repo, when you can have both with a meta repo?
- micahflee/onionshare - Securely and anonymously send and receive files, and publish onion sites
- aquametalabs/aquameta - Web development platform built entirely in PostgreSQL
- inlets/inlets - Expose your local endpoints to the Internet
- teejee2008/timeshift - System restore tool for Linux. Creates filesystem snapshots using rsync+hardlinks, or BTRFS snapshots. Supports scheduled snapshots, multiple backup levels, and exclude filters. Snapshots can be restored while system is running or from Live CD/USB
- WorldBrain/Memex - Browser Extension to full-text search your browsing history & bookmarks
- omarroth/invidious - Invidious is an alternative front-end to YouTube
- elm/compiler - Compiler for Elm, a functional language for reliable webapps
- JesseKPhillips/USA-Constitution
- gravitational/teleconsole - Command line tool to share your UNIX terminal and forward local TCP ports to people you trust
- liriliri/eruda
- jazzband/django-oauth-toolkit - OAuth2 goodies for the Djangonauts!
- sunscrapers/djoser - REST implementation of Django authentication system
- mgartner/pg_flame
- o2sh/onefetch
- TomaszRewak/C-sharp-console-gui-framework
- OlivierLaflamme/Cheatsheet-God
- eth0izzle/shhgit - Ah shhgit! Find GitHub secrets in real time
- rubjo/victor-mono - A free programming font with cursive italics and ligatures.
- alfio-event/alf.io
- frab/frab
- whitequark/unfork
- bbody/CMD-Resume
- tomlockwood/dn - Daily notes command line tool
- bayard-search/bayard - Bayard is a full-text search and indexing server written in Rust
- VundleVim/Vundle.vim
- tpope/vim- pathogen
- junegunn/vim-plug
- powerline/powerline
- scrooloose/nerdtree
- tpope/vim-vinegar
- vimwiki/vimwiki
- tmux/tmux
- kennethreitz/requests
- emacs-evil/evil - The extensible vi layer for Emacs
- philc/vimium - The hacker's browser
- SirVer/ultisnips - The ultimate snippet solution for Vim.
- tridactyl/tridactyl - A Vim-like interface for Firefox, inspired by Vimperator/Pentadactyl
- ueokande/vim-vixen - Accelerates your web browsing with Vim power!!
- neoclide/coc.nvim - Intellisense engine for vim8 & neovim, full language server protocol support as VSCode
- prabirshrestha/vim-lsp - async language server protocol plugin for vim and neovim
- dense-analysis/ale - Check syntax in Vim asynchronously and fix files, with Language Server Protocol (LSP) support
- neomake/neomake - Asynchronous linting and make framework for Neovim/Vim
- Shougo/deoplete.nvim - Dark powered asynchronous completion framework for neovim/Vim8
- scrooloose/nerdcommenter - Vim plugin for intensely orgasmic commenting
- sheerun/vim-polyglot - A solid language pack for Vim
- Xuyuanp/nerdtree-git-plugin - A plugin of NERDTree showing git status
- itchyny/lightline.vim - A light and configurable statusline/tabline plugin for Vim
- airblade/vim-gitgutter - A Vim plugin which shows a git diff in the gutter (sign column) and stages/undoes hunks and partial hunks
- gpakosz/.tmux - 🇫🇷 Oh My Tmux! Pretty & versatile tmux configuration made with ❤️ (imho the best tmux configuration that just works)
- tmux-plugins/tpm - Tmux Plugin Manager
- tmux-plugins/tmux-sensible - basic tmux settings everyone can agree on
- tpope/vim-fugitive - A Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal
- tpope/vim-sensible - Defaults everyone can agree on
- tpope/vim-surround - quoting/parenthesizing made simple
- tpope/vim-commentary - comment stuff out
- altercation/vim-colors-solarized - precision colorscheme for the vim text editor
- avelino/vim-bootstrap - Vim Bootstrap is generator provides a simple method of generating a .vimrc configuration for vim
- jonan/ForkHub
- michael-lazar/rtv
- Compass/compass - Compass is no longer actively maintained. Compass is a Stylesheet Authoring Environment that makes your website design simpler to implement and easier to maintain