These are my solutions for the Advent of Code 2024 challenges. Huge thanks to anze3db for his excellent AOC python framework. I borrowed alot of his code in the effort to create a more streamlined AOC experience for myself. Thank you!
First export your cookie session with AOC with the google chrome developer tools (Literally just go copy it)
Then make a folder in your root titled secret
and create a text file within called cookie.txt
The .gitignore will ignore all text files / (and other formats) so it won't get loaded into github.
Day | Stars | Solution | Name | Speed Part 1 | Speed Part 2 | LOC |
01 | ⭐⭐ | Day1 | Historian Hysteria | 25 ms | 35 ms | 57 |
02 | ⭐⭐ | Day2 | Red-Nosed Reports | 53 ms | 166 ms | 71 |
03 | ⭐⭐ | Day3 | Mull it over | 28 ms | 37 ms | 100 |
04 | ⭐⭐ | Day4 | Ceres Search | 82 ms | 46 ms | 127 |
05 | ⭐⭐ | Day5 | Print Queue | 42 ms | 62 ms | 85 |
06 | ⭐ | Day6 | Guard Gallivant | ms | ms | |
07 | ⭐⭐ | Day7 | Bridge Repair | 6.25 sec | 5.9 MIN 😂 | 108 |
08 | Day8 | Resonant Collinearity | ms | ms | 10 |
- Make a function that captures the output and updates the results table in the README. SORCERY 🧙 🪄
- Make a TUI to view and navigate the leaderboard.
- It looks like you can request a Json payload every 15 minutes (900 seconds) for public and private leaderboards. Could write to a JSON configs file in utils with last timestamp accessed. easier to maintain that way. Not sure cacheing would help here as we would want immediate leaderboard updates.