This module allows you to access the Azure Storage File REST API through Ballerina. Azure Files offers fully managed file shares in the cloud that are accessible via the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol or Network File System (NFS) protocol. This module provides you the capability to execute operations like getFileList, getDirectoryList, createDirectory, directUpload and getFile etc using the FileClient. It also allows you to execute management operations such as createShare and deleteShare etc using the ManagementClient.
This module supports Azure Storage Service REST API 2019-12-12 version.
Before using this connector in your Ballerina application, complete the following:
Shared Access Signature
) or use one of the Accesskeys for authentication.
To use this connector in your Ballerina application, update the .bal file as follows:
Import the ballerinax/azure_storage_service.files
module into the Ballerina project.
import ballerinax/azure_storage_service.files as azure_files;
Create an azure_files:ConnectionConfig
with the obtained Shared Access Signature or Access Key, base URL and account name.
- If you are using Shared Access Signature, use the follwing format.
azure_files:ConnectionConfig fileServiceConfig = {
accountName: "ACCOUNT_NAME",
authorizationMethod: "SAS"
- If you are using one of the Access Key, use the follwing format.
azure_files:ConnectionConfig fileServiceConfig = {
accountName: "ACCOUNT_NAME",
authorizationMethod: "accessKey"
Create the FileClient using the fileServiceConfig you have created as shown above.
azure_files:FileClient fileClient = check new (fileServiceConfig);
- Now you can use the operations available within the connector. Note that they are in the form of remote operations. Following is an example on how to list all the directories in a file share using the connector.
public function main() returns error? {
azure_files:ConnectionConfig fileServiceConfig = {
accountName: "ACCOUNT_NAME",
authorizationMethod: "accessKey"
azure_files:FileClient fileClient = check new (fileServiceConfig);
azure_files:DirectoryList result = check fileClient->getDirectoryList(fileShareName = "demoshare");
- Use
bal run
command to compile and run the Ballerina program.
- Get list of directories in a file share
azure_files:DirectoryList result = check fileClient->getDirectoryList(fileShareName = "demoshare");
- Get list of files in a file share
azure_files:FileList result = check fileClient->getFileList(fileShareName = "demoshare");
- Create a directory
_ = check fileClient->createDirectory(fileShareName = "demoshare", newDirectoryName = "demoDirectory");
- Upload a file to a fileshare.
_ = check fileClient->directUpload(fileShareName = "demoshare",
localFilePath = "resources/uploads/test.txt", azureFileName = "testfile.txt");
- Download a file from a fileshare.
_ = check fileClient->getFile(fileShareName = "demoshare", fileName = "testfile.txt",
localFilePath = "resources/downloads/downloadedFile.txt");