Onde Assistir (Where to Watch) is a platform with broadcasts of sports games (mainly football), focused on the Brazilian market, with options for broadcasts on TV and the Internet.
Access the documentation at: https://ondeassistir.laerciorios.com/api/docs/
The platform emerged as an academic project in the Computer Engineering course (UEFS) in the Network Programming (WEB Programming) discipline taught by Professor João Rocha and continued as a personal challenge and an opportunity to improve new knowledge.
For more details about the discipline, see: EXA844
Onde Assistir is online and you can access it at:
See more about the front-end project in:
Currently the project uses a crawler in Python to extract information from the games, to learn more about the crawler either at:
To run the project you will need to have Docker and docker composer installed on your machine.
# Clone this repository
$ git clone git@github.com:LaercioSR/onde-assistir-api.git
# Clone the crawler repository
$ git clone git@github.com:LaercioSR/onde-assistir-crawler.git
# Access the project folder in terminal/cmd
$ cd onde-assistir-api
# Copy the .env
$ cp .env.example .env
# After that it is necessary to fill the .env.
# Remember to enter the crawler folder path correctly. Example:
# CRAWLER_FOLDER=~/projects/onde-assistir-crawler
# Run the application in development mode
$ docker compose -f "docker-compose.dev.yml" up -d --build
# If everything is correct the api can be accessed via the URL http://localhost:3333 .
If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact:
Name: Laercio Rios
Email: contact@laerciorios.com