It is my neovim config using lua. Conventional way, instead of using nixvim or nvf
It is based on Neovim-nightly
I want to try new things, I got pretty confident with Lua, getting to work it out on NixOS too
Just download neovim, put everything in ~/.config/nvim/
, open it and :Rocks sync
It doesn't provide any treesitter binaries, because on Nix I just use nixpkgs. So download TreeSitter-legacy-API or something. And compile them.
Everything else should work tho.
You can look in my NixOS config for Neovim module. It contains the override and some packages to make my config work
It adds override, and also uses home-manager to create symlinks for reproducable rebuilds.
is my custom attribute used in NixOS, just delete it and use package list as normal
typst-previewer.nvim can't open the web based preview, so I got a self made autocmd for typst
I am not the one to write most of this
NTBBloodbath editor module, which was based on Benlubas neovim flake
NTBBloodbath's neovim config, defaults are his.
Rishabh's neovim config, for all the nightly goodies