a Python GUI for interactive phasor analysis of Fluorescence Lifetime Microscopy (FLIM) data
Publication »
A detailed user manual is available in the supplemental material of the associated publication:
Gottlieb, Asadipour, Kostina, Ung, & Stringari, Biological Imaging (2023)
"FLUTE: A Python GUI for interactive phasor analysis of FLIM data". »
Please cite this article if you found FLUTE helpful with your data analysis.
A presentation of FLUTE software is available here in open access GerBi FLIM workshop slides about FLUTE software
An interactive tutorial is available on youtube I2K workshop - Interactive phasor analysis of FLIM data using FLUTE
Fluorescence Lifetime Ultimate Explorer (FLUTE) provides a graphical user interface to explore Fluorescence Lifetime Microscopy (FLIM) using phasor analysis. The GUI allows for quick and interactive analysis of experimental FLIM data, and can export results for further processing.
An example of various FLIM data visualisation and analyses can be seen here:
Colormaps of the same data with cursor selection, phase lifetime contrast, modulation lifetime contrast and distance from a known molecular species. Scale bar is 150 um.
The Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) data relative to the publications are in our Zenodo repository »
Fluorescein.tif stack contains the fluorescence intensity decay of fluorescein solution with a known lifetime of 4ns, used as calibration.
Embryo.tif file contains the fluorescence intensity decay of a zebrafish embryo at 3 days post fertilisation.
Both files have been acquired with the following parameters:
- laser repetition rates = 80 MHz
- bin width = 0.223ns
- temporal bin number = 56
FLUTE mainly depends on the following packages:
With the exe compiled using
To quickly start using FLUTE, an exe which works on Windows computers without installing Python is available under releases on the github here.
To run the code from this github page, run main.py after installing:
pip install PyQt5, numpy, opencv-python, matplotlib, scikit-image
FLIM data must be saved or exported as a tiff-stack, where each image of the stack represents a temporal bin of the fluorescence decay measurement. Example data is available in the supplemental data of the release publication.
FLUTE is Copyright (C) 2022 FLUTE
FLUTE source code is Free and Open Source Software released under the terms of the 3-Clause BSD License (see file [LICENSE] for details).
The prebuilt FLUTE executable is a combined work that contains both FLUTE and QT library bindings. It is released under the terms of both the 3-Clause BSD License (for the FLUTE part) and the GNU Lesser General Public License (for the QT part).