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- Anatomical Image: /EYEMEM###_t1.nii.gz
- Functional Images: /EYEMEM###/mri/ EYEMEM###_.nii.gz
- Preprocessing Images: /EYEMEM###/preproc2//EYEMEM###_.nii.gz
- Configuration Script: preproc2_config.sh
Important: When reviewing the IC's it was noticed that several participants had large spikes in the beginning of the timecourse, which led us to consider deleting volumes. We chose to delete the first 4 volumes for resting state images and the first 12 volumes for task images.
Brain extraction is done using ANTs (antsBrainExtraction)
- Script: A_preproc2_BET_ANTs.sh
- Input: EYEMEM###/mri/t1/EYEMEM###_t1.nii.gz
- Output: EYEMEM###/mri/t1/EYEMEM###_t1_brain.nii.gz
ImageDimension: 3
TemplateImage: /ANTS/MICCAI2012-Multi-Atlas-Challenge-Data/T_template0.nii.gz
ProbabilityImage: T_template0_BrainCerebellumProbabilityMask.nii.gz
RegistrationMask: T_template0_BrainCerebellumRegistrationMask.nii.gz
KeepTemporaryFiles: 0
Bet Script: https://github.com/ANTsX/ANTs/blob/master/Scripts/antsBrainExtraction.sh
- Script: B_preproc_prepareFM.sh
- Inputfiles: 1. <subject>_phasediff.nii.gz 2. <subject>_magnitude[1,2].nii.gz
- Outputfiles: 1. <subject>_fmap_MeanMagnitude_brain_mask.nii.gz; 2. <subject>_fmap_rads
Documentation: https://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/fslwiki/FUGUE/Guide (Siemens Data)
- Script: C_preproc2_FEAT.sh
- Input: /EYEMEM###/mri//EYEMEM###_.nii.gz
- Output: EYEMEM###/preproc2//FEAT.feat
Documentation: https://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/fslwiki/FEAT
Voxelsize: 3
TR: 1.0
Volumes: Resting State: 600; Test Conditions: 474
Deleted Volumes: 12 (task) or 4 (rest)
Highpass Filter: NO
Smoothing Kernel: 7
RegisterStructDOF: BBR
Bandpass: OFF
BET Input: YES
MNI Image: MNI152_T1_3mm_brain.nii.gz
NonLinearReg: NO
NonLinearWarp: 10 (default)
Intensity Normalization: 0
SliceTiming Correction: 0
Unwarping: 1
UnwarpDir: -y
EpiSpacing: 0.28499967 # in ms
EpiTE: 30 # in ms
SignalLossThresh: 10
- Script: D_preproc_motion_outliers.sh
- Inputfiles: FunctionalImage
- Outputfiles: /motionout/<subject>_motionout.txt
Documentation: https://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/fslwiki/FSLMotionOutliers
Script: E_preproc_detrend_filter_call.sh
- Input: ./FEAT.feat/filtered_func_data.nii.gz
- Output: ./EYEMEM###_<condition>_feat_detrended.nii.gz
Polynomical Order:3
- Input: ./EYEMEM###_<condition>_feat_detrended.nii.gz
- Output: ./EYEMEM###_<condition>_feat_detrended_highpassed.nii.gz
TR: 1.0
LowCutoff: 0.01
No High Cut Off
Filter Order: 8
Detrending and filtering is done in Matlab using the preproc_detrend.m and preproc_filter.m functions which can be found in E_matlab_steps. Refer to the ReadMe file for more information
- Script: F_preproc_ICA.sh
- Input: ./EYEMEM###__feat_detrended_highpassed.nii.gz
- Output: ./FEAT.feat/filtered_func_data.ica
Dimest: mdl
Bgthreshold: 3
Report: ./FEAT.feat/filtered_func_data.ica/report.html
TR: 1.0
Mmthresh: 0.5
Background: ./anat2func.nii.gz
- Quality Check Script: ICA_melodic_fsleyes.sh (loops through subjects and condtions of the preprocessed fMRI dataset, opening FSL MELODICS IC threshold maps with an T1 underlay)
Documentation: https://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/fslwiki/MELODIC
- Script: G_denoise_regfilt.sh
- Inputfiles: 1. Detrended/Filtered functional image 2. FEAT.feat/filtered_func_data.ica/melodic_mix 3. Textfile containing rejected components
- Output: ./_task-_run-_bold_feat_detrended_highpassed_denoised.nii.gz
Documentation: https://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/fslwiki/MELODIC#fsl_regfilt_command-line_program
- Script: H_preproc_normalize_lin.sh
- Input: Denoised functional image
- Output: ./_task-_run-_bold_feat_detrended_highpassed_denoised_MNI.nii.gz