I like to work in Linux OS, special in Debian / Ubuntu / MATE https://ubuntu-mate.org/about/. So when you try this, take note of what OS you have. It can be different issues depending on our type of OS. You need admin / sudo right to add this info in your "hosts"-file:
# Docker Atlassian Sandbox crowd.internal jira.internal confluence.internal bitbucket.internal bamboo.internal pgadmin.internal nodered.internal jupyter.internal
If you are't able to edit the "hosts"-file, use the ports..
But you need the unmark in the docker-compose.xml file.
Application | Url |
crowd | http://localhost:8095 |
jira | http://localhost:8080 |
confluence | http://localhost:8090 |
bitbucket | http://localhost:7990 |
bitbucket-ssh | ssh://localhost:7999 |
bamboo | http://localhost:8085 |
pgadmin | http://localhost:5050 |
nodered | http://localhost:1880 |
jupyter | http://localhost:8888 |
- Crowd is diabled.
- Standard ports are diabled.
docker-compose up -d
- Go to: http://pgadmin.internal
- Connect to Postgres database
- Create a database for the [application].
- Goto: http://[application].internal
- Start setup [application] with the database you had created.
Use NodeRed (http://nodered.internal) for mockups of your work / testing.
For example:
- Add "palette" for SMTP, so Jira can send mail
- Add "palette" for Dashboard, and show the status from JVM.
(To easy view of JVM: add the jolokia-plugin to the [application].)
Use Jupyet to code in Python for interact with this applications. http://jupyter.internal
- You need to start Jupyter in frontground to get a token in the log.
- Use this token to create a password
- restart Jupyter in the background and login with the password.
Application | Url |
Jolokia | https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/1213211/jolokia-monitoring-agent |
node-red-contrib-mailin-smtp (SMTP for NodeRed) | https://flows.nodered.org/node/node-red-contrib-mailin-smtp |
node-red-dashboard (Dashboard for NodeRed) | https://flows.nodered.org/node/node-red-dashboard |
@digitaloak/node-red-contrib-digitaloak-postgresql (Postgres for NodeRed) | https://flows.nodered.org/node/@digitaloak/node-red-contrib-digitaloak-postgresql |