You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 68
Changelog since last release:
- Support per-project EverVim settings.
file at project root will be source after asking. - Add AGit for viewing git log and history easily, use
- FZF:
- Use FZF by default on Linux, macOS and FreeBSD
- Keybinding to
, try<Space>.
to see available commands -
on Unix will now map to FZF :Files - On Windows, the fuzzy finder is still CtrlP :(
- Automatically initiate the plugin installation if bundle folder does not exists
- Physics-based Smooth Scrolling, enable using variable
- Respect terminal cursor shape for NeoVim (won't change your I-beam to block any more)
- Add options to sync NERDTree views and focus across tabs, use
- Additional Plugins can be defined in ~/.EverVim.bundles
- Gitignore
so that custom snippets can be placed there - Autochdir defaults to off, project roots are synced with NerdTree
- Trigger Leader Guide with Space key
- Shows Leader Guide keybinding and Normal Leader keybinding on Startup screen
- All the leader-prefix keymaps are well-categorised
- Refactored almost half leader key bindings for Leader Guide
- Use vim-css-color instead of coloresque to prevent conflicts with css3 plugins
- Bookmarks now targets per buffer, instead of per session
- Add goyo.vim and limelight to help focusing on the contents
- Add support for adding and updating a copyright header in code comments, use
- Show search results as you type, thanks to incsearch.vim
- Show replace results as you type, thanks to vim-over
- Disable folding on Agit diff and Startup screen
- Add support for showing a warning line at column 80
- Support customizing default theme using
- Statusline:
- Triangle corner for the bottom and round corner for the top
- Top bar showing tabs on the left, and buffers on the right
- Show EverVim tabline even in GVim (disable native tab bar)
- Show window and buffers icon at the corners of top bar
- Prevent buffer line from overflow
- Hardcoded neovim
theme to Dracula colors - Option to disable patched fonts totally and use normal monospace fonts
- Option to disable the entire appearance bundle to get a native UI
to Open nvim :terminal in a new tab -
to Open nvim :terminal in vertical splits -
to Open nvim :terminal in horizontal splits -
to Edit EverVim config in a new tab -
at startup screen to Full Upgrade EverVim -
Dos2Unix the current buffer (viml implementation, no need to install dos2unix) -
Unix2Dos the current buffer (viml implementation, no need to install dos2unix) -
to open a brand new session in a new tab, starts with the startup screen -
to get to the very left window, usually NERDTree -
to get to the very right window, usually Tagbar -
for AGit, shows a detailed log for git repo -
for Tab manager -
for updating header comments -
for Markdown Table of Contents -
Vim Windows Swap - Moved vim-go keymaps to
- Shows VimR and NeoVim Version
- Shows Windows & NT Version
- Shows macOS kernel Version
- Add indicator of +Python, +Lua, +Clip flags
- Display FreeBSD Name and Version more friendly
- Switch to plasticboys markdown plugin which is much more powerful
- Markdown toml, json, yaml frontmatter highlighting
- Add back the qml syntax plugin
- Add presenting.vim to make slideshows inside vim
- TOC support for txt novels, currently only for English and Chinese
- Add support for Gonvim from dzhou121
- Add support for neovim-gtk written in Rust by daa84
- Prevent showing native tabline in neovim-gtk
- Add Wiki page for Keyboard Shortcuts
- Add Wiki page for Changelog
- Turn indentline off in VimTutor
- Fix Duplicate Session not highlighting correctly
- Disable fsync on macOS, as it won't work on NTFS
- Remove toggle background functionality
- Prevent bufferline from showing quickfix windows
- Explicitly defined local leader for c.vim
Changelog since last release:
- Fix setup problem for Windows
- Fix startup screen when using command line to open file on Windows
- Update YouCompleteMe setup instructions for Windows
- Fix Windows setup script trying to delete init.vim even if not exist. #8
- Fix Vim-Plug not successfully installed in rtp. #5
- Add Wiki page for uninstallation instruction
- Add Wiki page for setup YouCompleteMe on Windows
- Add static type checking for Javascript using Facebook Flow
- Enable Typescript auto completion for javascript
- Add initial support for D language
- Switch on auto completion for Markdown
- Markdown realtime preview in browser
- Optional Matlab basic syntax editing, off by default
- Set tabwidth to 2 for HTML files
- Add option to disable automatic formatting
- Add options for terminal transparency in Dracula
- Show file changes, creation, deletion in NERDTree
- Add option for cursorcolumn, off by default
- Add physics-based smooth scrolling
- Automatically resize pane according to focus, thanks to GoldenView
- Automatically reload a file if changed externally
- Automatically open as read only if session is duplicate
- Add options for a warning line for lines that exceeds 80 characters
- Add Leader A prefix key for Tabular
for toggle rainbow parenthesis
- Support Android with DroidVim or Termux
- Improve Windows support
- Support NeoVim 0.2.0
- Workaround for Oni scroll off issue 395
Changelog since last release:
- Changed to a modular vimrc structure #BREAKING
- Updated and tested the Windows setup powershell
- Installation now only needs to symlink one folder
- Shows Vim & NeoVim version
- Shows info and icon for Windows, WSL, Linux, macOS, Android and ChromeOS
- See Wiki/Gallery for startup screens on all platforms
- Disable Statusline Arrow in Windows Subsystem for Linux, since only 16-bit color are supported on windows
- Disable devicon for Android termux (no option to choose custom fonts)
- Support Vim/NeoVim on Chrome OS with crouton
- Support Oni, a NeoVim front-end UI focused on IDE-like extensibility
- Support building your project right inside vim using dispatch, try
- Support Waf Build System, hightlight wscript to python
- Add TagBar support for Rust & Typescript
- Drop QBS support since it's highly unusable
- CtrlSF:
for initiating a search in project files - CtrlSF:
to toggle search - UltrSnip: remap snippet expanding to
- Vim-Dispatch: Default dispatch keymap is
and Make keymap is<Leader>M
- Added detailed installation instruction for all platform in Github Wiki
- Screenshot section moved to Wiki
- Prevent IndentLine to showup where it shouldn't, e.g. Startup screen & Neovim build-in terminal
Third release for EverVim. Changelog since last release:
- Restore cursor to previous location after opening a file
- added a experimental Windows setup powershell script
- Better font config for NeoVim-Qt
- Dropped neovim-gtk support, since it's buggy for now.
- VimR & MacVim works perfectly fine
- Filetype Icon is disabled on Android since no terminal emulator support custom fonts
- Change IndentLine symbol to a perfect continuous vertical line (comes with default Knack Nerd Font)
- Support Hybrid Line Number. (using
) - Startup screen shows Vim version, operating system info and time
- Both vim-airline and lightline.vim now has unified appearance with statusline and tabline.
Notice that the language support can be toggled on/off individually using evervim_bundle_group variables
- LaTeX support
- TeX highlighting
- AutoCompletion (grammar, filename, citation)
- A lot more awesomeness
- Dart language official vim plugin
- Lua syntax
- Bash development plugins
- Disable
for entering Ex mode - Map
so that command can be typed faster (you don't have to hold shift to type:
) - Remap RecursiveOpenDir in NERDTree to
- Map
for YouCompleteMe GoToDefinition and GoTo.
- Updated screenshots for
- NeoVim
- NeoVim-Qt
- VimR
- GVim
Again: This release section is just for posting release notes and changes. You should still use the git master to install EverVim.
This is the second release of EverVim. Changelog since last month:
- Add complete documentation!
- Support more file encodings other than utf-8
- AutoFormatting on all major language,
to manually format. - tab is now 4 spaces, except
- Markdown sections show in tagbar
- Vim multiple cursors, just like sublime.
- Full typescript highlight and autocompletion support
- Vue.js and Vuex support
- Lumos template language support
- Statusline and Tabline have changed to Lightline.vim
- TabMan shows tabs on left panel.
- VimCommander provides a total-commander like file manager.
- Bookmark support. You can now read txt novel in EverVim
- Read HackerNews right inside EverVim
- Vim Calendar support
- Fix Startup screen on Windows
- NERDTree toggle key changed to
- And other bug fixes
This release section is just for posting release notes and changes. You should still use the git master to install EverVim.
The first release ever for EverVim!
It's been around half a year since I first start this vim distrobution as a fork of spf13-vim. The vim config from spf13 has always been great for its customization and comprehensiveness. EverVim is not for replacing spf13-vim. It's just a different flavor that is suitable and attractive to more vimers. Let's start with the features that EverVim has, apart from those brilliance of spf13-vim
- Easy to setup, just type
sh Boot-EverVim.sh
and type:PlugInstall
in vim, then you'll be all set! - Best out-of-box experience!
- Comes with support for most languages [1]
- Supports neovim, vim7.4+ (including vim 8.x)
- Ships with Pre-configured plugins that is ready for use without your manual configuration
- Theme default to Dracula, which is available among all editor/IDE platforms
- Contains a cmd script to make it portable under windows, so that you can put all your vim and config into a USB drive, literally code anywhere.
- fix several dead plugin link from spf13-vim
- Async!
- Use vim-plug instead of vundle. Plugin installation is reduced to 1/10 of spf13-vim
- YouCompleteMe
- Is the default option. Other ones include neocomplete, neocomplcache and snipmate
- You still need to run
to make it work
- C/C++ friendly
- Add c.vim and other C++ plugins for native coder :)
- YouCompleteMe has the most comfortable completing experience for C++
- Full Go/Rust support
- Collaboration! with CoVim
Setup for Linux/OSX
git clone https://github.com/LER0ever/EverVim .EverVim
cd .EverVim
# check out release tag if you want
sh Boot-EverVim.sh
Open up vim/nvim and type :PlugInstall