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Como controlar IARA via laptop

Leandro Furlam edited this page Aug 9, 2023 · 3 revisions

Network setup

Create wired connection named IARA.
Go to Edit Connections and change IP to Manual with the following information (yes, two IPs on the same network):

IP Adress:
Mask: 24
IP Adress:
Mask: 24

Make sure device name to this network is eth0 or enp3s0.

NAT setup

    cd src/scripts_lume

The wlpX and enpX elements are the names of the network interfaces present on your PC, to find out what these are names on your pc follow the script below:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install net-Tools


Copy the names and add them to the script execution command, eg sudo bash config_rede_car.bash enp1s0 wlp2s0
To add a new device to the already existing network run the script using -n, eg sudo bash config_rede_car.bash -n enp1s0 wlp2s0. To reset all settings already entered, run the script using -r, eg sudo bash config_rede_car.bash -r.

Raspberry access setup

Inside IARA network, check the conection: ping

If you don't already have a public key on the computer that will access the Pi, run the commands below to generate it in ~/.ssh/ (make sure you already have the file so you don't generate it again)

    ssh-keygen -t rsa

Copy the public key from the computer that will access the Pi to the Pi with the commands below

    ssh pi@ mkdir -p .ssh
    cat .ssh/ | ssh pi@ 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'


    ssh pi@ 'ls'

Standard process

  • Autonomous: bin/process-volta_da_ufes_sensorbox.ini
  • Log: bin/process-volta_da_ufes_log_sensorbox.ini
  • Map generation: bin/process-volta_da_ufes_map_generation_sensorbox.ini



Go to $CARMEN_HOME/sharedlib/OpenJAUS/README_ALBERTO.txt. Problably you need to install sudo apt-get install subversion and sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev and make sure that the JUDP_IP_Address in the file sharedlib/OpenJaus/ojNodeManager/nodeManager.conf is the same as that of the machine where you are going to run this code.

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