Code accompanying the IEEE WACV 2022 paper "Action anticipation using latent goal learning"
Download RGB features from RULSTM project, specifically this script
and these lines
mkdir -p data/ek55/rgb curl -o data/ek55/rgb/data.mdb
The data is now in /data/ek55/rgb. Next, fetch the training.csv and validation.csv from the RULSTM project ek55 directory
Run the training script -
Testing on test set
Fetch the test_seen.csv and test_unseen.csv from the RULSTM project ek55 directory
The CSV format is different in training.csv and test_seen.csv. For training.csv, the columns are -
segment_id, video_id, start_frame, end_frame, verb, noun, action
For test_seen/unseen.csv, the columns are -segment_id, video_id, start_frame, end_frame
We need to train 2 models - one with RGB features as above and another with OBJ features Download OBJ features from RULSTM project, specifically this script
mkdir -p data/ek55/obj curl -o data/ek55/obj/data.mdb
The data is now in /data/ek55/obj.
Run the training script Change
to 352 -
I3D features were obtained from this repo for both 50Salads and Breakfast.
Download the data folder, which contains the features and the ground truth labels. (~30GB) (If you cannot download the data from the previous link, try to download it from here)
Then run [] (
We have actions instead of verb and nouns for Breakfast and 50Salads.
This research/project is supported in part by the National Research Foundation, Singapore under its AI Singapore Program (AISG Award No: AISG2-RP-2020-016) and the National Research Foundation Singapore under its AI Singapore Program (Award Number: AISG-RP-2019-010).
In case of issues, please write to roy_debaditya [at] ihpc [dot] a-star [dot] edu [dot] sg
Please cite this work if you use this code
title={Action anticipation using latent goal learning},
author={Debaditya Roy and Basura Fernando},