Author: Aaron
This repository harnesses the power of Haskell and TypeScript to create a Markdown Parser using Functional Reactive Programming. Users are able to create their own HTML files by typing, or upload any scaffold markdown file, make changes to it, and parse it into HTML-documented format. All input in the markdown file is parsed and automatically converted into HTML format. The HTML file is then displayed on the right side of the webpage. This program includes features such as:
- Nested collection of Text Modifiers
- Evenly-spaced Tables (hard mode)
- Select and open markdown files
- Markdown Help Library
- Trivial Word Count
For more information, refer to Documentation
$ stack test
This will generate the HTML files using the sample input markdown files, by running your code for each exercise.
All example markdown files are stored within examples/input
and the output of your parser will be saved in examples/output
In the Haskell folder run:
$ stack run
In a separate terminal, in the javascript folder run:
$ npm i
$ npm run dev
You can type markdown in to the LHS of the webpage and inspect the converted HTML.
Monash University holds copyright for code inside the Haskell/src/Instances
and Haskell/src/Parser
<ADT> ::= "[" <AdtTypeList> "]"
<AdtTypeList> ::= <AdtType>
| <AdtType> "," <AdtTypeList>
<AdtType> ::= <Image>
| <FootnoteReference>
| <Heading>
| <Blockquote>
| <CodeBlock>
| <OrderedListADT>
| <Table>
| <EmptyLineADT>
| <FreeTextADT>
<Heading> ::= <HashHeading>
| <AlternativeHeading>
<HashHeading> ::= <inlineSpace> <Hashes> " " <FreeText>
<AlternativeHeading> ::= <inlineSpace> <FreeText> <HeadingLevel> "\n"
<Hashes> ::= "#" | "##" | "###" | "####" | "#####" | "######"
<HeadingLevel> ::= <inlineSpace> <EqualsLevel>
| <inlineSpace> <DashLevel>
<EqualsLevel> ::= "==" <EqualsLevelTail>
<DashLevel> ::= "--" <DashLevelTail>
<EqualsLevelTail> ::= "=" <EqualsLevelTail>
| ""
<DashLevelTail> ::= "-" <DashLevelTail>
| ""
<OrderedListADT> ::= <OrderedList>
<OrderedList> ::= <FirstOrderedListItem> <SubsequentOrderedListItems>
<FirstOrderedListItem> ::= "1. " <FreeText> <OptionalSubList>
<SubsequentOrderedListItems> ::= ""
| <OrderedListItem> <SubsequentOrderedListItems>
<OrderedListItem> ::= <Digits> ". " <FreeText> <OptionalSubList>
<OptionalSubList> ::= ""
| <SubOrderedList>
<SubOrderedList> ::= <FirstSubOrderedListItem> <SubsequentSubOrderedListItems>
<FirstSubOrderedListItem> ::= " " <FirstOrderedListItem>
<SubsequentSubOrderedListItems> ::= ""
| <SubOrderedListItem> <SubsequentSubOrderedListItems>
<SubOrderedListItem> ::= " " <OrderedListItem>
<Blockquote> ::= <inlineSpace> ">" <FreeText>
| <inlineSpace> ">" <FreeText> <Blockquote>
<Table> ::= <TableRow> <SeparatorRow> <TableRows>
<TableRow> ::= <inlineSpace> "|" <TableCells> "|" "\n"
<TableCells> ::= <CellContent>
| <CellContent> "|" <TableCells>
<CellContent> ::= <inlineSpace> <FreeText> <inlineSpace>
<SeparatorRow> ::= <inlineSpace> "|" <SeparatorCells> "|" "\n"
<SeparatorCells> ::= <SeparatorCell>
| <SeparatorCell> "|" <SeparatorCells>
<SeparatorCell> ::= <inlineSpace> "---" <DashLevelTail> <inlineSpace>
<TableRows> ::= <TableRow>
| <TableRow> <TableRows>
<FootnoteReference> ::= <FootnoteNumber> ":" <String>
<Image> ::= ""
<CodeBlock> ::= <inlineSpace> "```" <String> "\n" <String> "\n```\n"
<FreeTextADT> ::= <FreeText> "\n"
<FreeText> ::= "[" <FreeTextorModifierList> "]"
<FreeTextorModifierList> ::= <FreeTextorModifier>
| <FreeTextorModifier> "," <FreeTextorModifierList>
<FreeTextorModifier> ::= <FreeTextChunk>
| <TextModifier>
<FreeTextChunk> ::= <String>
<TextModifier> ::= <Italic>
| <Bold>
| <Strikethrough>
| <Link>
| <InlineCode>
| <Footnote>
<Italic> ::= "_" <FreeText> "_"
<Bold> ::= "**" <FreeText> "**"
<Strikethrough> ::= "~~" <FreeText> "~~"
<Link> ::= "[" <FreeText> "](" <String> ")"
<InlineCode> ::= "`" <FreeText> "`"
<Footnote> ::= <FootnoteNumber>
<FootnoteNumber> ::= <inlineSpace> "[^" <PositiveInt> "]"
<EmptyLineADT> ::= <inlineSpace> "\n"
<inlineSpace> ::= ""
| " "
| " " <inlineSpace>
<String> ::= <Char> | <Char> <String>
<Char> ::= "a" | ... | "z" | "A" | ... | "Z" | "0" | "1" | "2" | ... | "9" | " " | "!" | ... | "~"
<PositiveInt> ::= < PositiveDigit> | < PositiveDigit > <Digits>
<Digits> ::= <Integer> | <Integer> <Digits>
<PositiveDigit> ::= "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9"
<Integer> ::= "0" | <PositiveDigit>