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A Simple Logger class for PhP.

Packagist PHP Version


This is a simple Logger class meant to be easy to implement so that you don't have to worry about to much configuration.
This class follow a PSR-3 standard.

Basic Usage

The minimum setup needed to use the Logger class.


use Kuran\SLOGGER\{Logger, ErrorLevel, Managers\FileManager};

/* Instanciate the Logger.
*  Add a Manager to the logger. The manager has a default Formater.
$log = new Logger(
        new FileManager()

/* Simple log.
*  Needs a message body, and an array for context.
    "Test message for the file {:file}",
        ":file" => __FILE__,
        ":extras" => array(
            ["name" => "Admin", "username" => "admin"],
            ["name" => "Root", "username" => "root"]

Logger class options

- Constructor

Argument Description
managers set an array of managers at instanciation.
    __construct(array $managers = array())

Same as creating a logger without argument then using the setManagers() function

- setManagers method

This method is used to set an array of managers to the logger.
This will replace the Logger's managers list.

    setManagers(array $managers);

Many managers can be used to log messages to different files, or using different methods (Database...). Or to log messages with different Error Levels.

- addManager method

This method is used to add a simgle manager to the managers stack.
If you want to add another Manager later in your code.

    addManager(ManagerInterface $manager);

FileManager options

- Constructor

all arguments are optional.

Argument Description
filePath If no filepath is defined, it will log message to app.log by default
level Default level is ErrorLevel::ERROR
formater If no Formater is defined, it will default to a LineFormater with default options.
        string $filePath = 'app.log',
        ErrorLevel $level = ErrorLevel::ERROR,
        FormaterInterface $formater = null)

- setFormater

used to replace the Formater already in place.

    setFormater(FormaterInterface $formater)


    $manager = new FileManager(
        filePath: "path/to/logfile.log",
        level: ErrorLevel::INFO, // Set the minimum Error level for this manager.
        formater: new LineFormater()

    // Setting multiple managers with different Error Levels

    $log = new Logger();

    $errorManager = new FileManager(
        filePath: "error.log",
        level: ErrorLevel::ERROR
    $debugManager = new FileManager(
        filePath: "debug.log",
        level: ErrorLevel::DEBUG

    //set the Manager list to $errorManager and $debugManager
    $log->setManager(array($errorManager, $debugManager));

    // add $manager to the list of managers

Error Levels

The Error levels are defined as follow in the ErrorLevel enum

enum ErrorLevel: int
    case EMERGENCY = 800; //ErrorLevel::EMERGENCY
    case ALERT     = 700; //ErrorLevel::ALERT
    case CRITICAL  = 600; //ErrorLevel::CRITIAL
    case ERROR     = 500; //ErrorLevel::ERROR
    case WARNING   = 400; //ErrorLevel::WARNING
    case NOTICE    = 300; //ErrorLevel::NOTICE
    case INFO      = 200; //ErrorLevel::INFO
    case DEBUG     = 100; //ErrorLevel::DEBUG

LineFormater options

- Constructor

All arguments are optional.

Argument Description
format If no format is defined, it will default to Date [ Level ] > Message Context
timeFormat If no date format is defined, it will default to Y-m-d H:i:s
        string $format = null,
        string $timeFormat = null


$formater = new LineFormater(
    format: "{:date} {:errorLevel} {:message} {:context}",
    timeFormat: "m-d-Y H:i"