This repository contains data as well as code for analyzing rationally inattentive commenting behavior in YouTube. The formal theory and model is contained in the paper found at this link: The raw YouTube data can be found at the public Google Drive folder: The data files need to be unwrapped through the pickle module in python using the youtube style file included in this repository.
The repository contains the following:
- Raw YouTube data consisting of viewcount, comment count, video ratings (likes and dislikes), thumbnail, description of each individual video.
- Code for pre-processing raw data to generate probability mass functions of state, action, (state,action) and conditional probability mass functions of action given state. (State -> Viewcount, Action -> Comment count, video rating)
- Code for Decision test for utility maximization under general cost, renyi mutual information cost, shannon mutual information cost.
- Code for Robustness test to check deviation from optimal behavior.