OMPL(Open Motion Planning Library) based 2D RRT* planner ROS Node
- Green Markers ==> Obstacles in the map (100 x 100 m)
- Blue marker ==> Start point
- Red Marker ==> Goal Point
Install ROS C++ API
$ sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-ompl
Install binary library
$ sudo apt-get install libompl-dev
Create a workspace
$ cd ~/
$ mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin_init
move the motion_planner package to the src folder
$ mv ${package_dir} ~/catkin_ws/src/
$ catkin build
- motion_planner package has a service which is PlanningService.srv The planner accepts start and goal points via this service. Service structure is like following.
float64 start_point_x
float64 start_point_y
float64 goal_point_x
float64 goal_point_y
bool is_path_valid
time calculation_time
launch the nodes
$ roslaunch motion_planner start.launch
call the service with
$ rosservice call /planning_service ...
example usage
$ rosservice call /planning_service "start_point_x: -10.0
start_point_y: -5.0
goal_point_x: 10.0
goal_point_y: 20.0"
is_path_valid: True
secs: 0
nsecs: 0