Comic Finder Web Application : Find XKCD Comics by searching for the String present in any of the comics, and the application lists the comics with the string.
- Crawl through all XKCD Comics
- Search through the Transcripts of the Comics to find the specified string in any of the XKCD Comics
- Server runs on python3 using CherryPy as the web framework.
- Clientside uses JQuery, Javascript, CSS, HTML.
- Client sends a GET request with the string, server responds back with the comic URL.
### Install MongoDB
### Set up the Server and the Database with the xkcd info
> cd Comic-Finder
> sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
> mongorestore xkcd
> python
### Open the Browser at localhost:5000
- UI/UX Design on Clientside.
- Automate Crawling on the Server Side.