Header-only C++ implementation of Danny's algorithm of EEPROM wear leveling for AVR microcontrollers.
- support for multiple separate EEPROM wear-leveling blocks,
- can coexist with other values stored in EEPROM (
), - synchronous (not interrupt-driven) or asynchronous modes,
- protected against write corruption.
Repository implements 2 different approaches to wear-leveling and one async version:
- EEPROMBitSentinelWearLeveling
- EEPROMByteSentinelWearLeveling
- EEPROMByteSentinelWearLevelingAsync (requires src/eeprom_async.cpp)
Sentinel bit included in MSB of the first byte.
- MSB of the first byte of data record can't be used. For example:
struct Record {
uint16_t val1;
uint16_t val2;
Most significant bit of val1
) should not be used as it will be cleared. val2
can use all bits (note the following requirement),
- record can't have all bytes equal to
as it would not allow detecting fresh EEPROM.
- most space-efficient way,
- one bit lost for sentinel,
- any record has to have at least 1 bit set to 0.
Separate byte for sentinel.
- No restrictions on Record's fields' values,
- Full byte lost for the sentinel.
Similar to EEPROMByteSentinelWearLeveling
, except that save()
method executes asynchronously (using interrupts).
All three classes exposes the same API:
void EEPROMByteSentinelWearLeveling::save(TRecord& record);
- record to be saved to EEPROM,
bool EEPROMByteSentinelWearLeveling::load(TRecord& record);
- record loaded from EEPROM,
return value - true, if record was loaded successfully, false otherwise.
#include <avr/eeprom.h>
#include <EEPROMByteSentinelWearLeveling.h>
#pragma pack(1)
struct Record {
uint16_t val1;
uint16_t val2;
#pragma pack()
// EEMEM uint8_t eepromBlock[sizeof(Record) * 20]; // for bit version
EEMEM uint8_t eepromBlock[(sizeof(Record) + 1) * 20];
// EEPROMBitSentinelWearLeveling<Record, sizeof(eepromBlock), eepromBlock> eeprom;
EEPROMByteSentinelWearLeveling<Record, sizeof(eepromBlock), eepromBlock> eeprom;
// EEPROMByteSentinelWearLevelingAsync<Record, sizeof(eepromBlock), eepromBlock> eeprom;
void main() {
Record record;
if (eeprom.load(record)) {
// record loaded
else {
// no record loaded, EEPROM is clean
record.val1 = 1;
record.val2 = 0;