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Kruithne edited this page Jul 6, 2023 · 10 revisions

Does wow.export work on MacOS or Linux?

The only officially supported platform is currently Windows (64-bit), however support for offical Linux and MacOS builds is planned for the very near future. In the meantime, you can use wow.export using virtualization such as Wine (on Linux) or Paralells (on MacOS).

Does wow.export support 32-bit operating systems?

No, we do not provide official builds for 32-bit operating systems.

Why do I get an Unable to Initialize Casc error when opening a local install/CDN?

There are a number of reasons this error can occur. Here are the most common fixes:

  • Update wow.export by clicking the banner shown at the top of the window when the application is launched.

For CDN Access:

  • Double check your internet connection and settings.
  • Check your firewall settings.

For Local World of Warcraft Installations:

  • Update World of Warcraft, then run it.
  • Repair your World of Warcraft client via the app.

I still need help!

If you are still running into issues or you have questions not answered here, feel free to join our community Discord server and ask in the #wow-export channel.