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Dr-MAH edited this page May 5, 2022 · 54 revisions


This table serves as a basis for the documentation on coding audiovisual materials in MEI on GitHub.

Elements needed for the encoding of audiovisual material

Titles, Shelfmarks, Ownership

Content MEI element Suggested element Remarks
title mei:title
shelf mark(s) identifier type="shelfmark"
ownership mei:physLoc

Physical object (technical data/description): mei:physDesc

Content MEI element Suggested element Remarks
Number of carrier materials mei:manifestation (for each material a manifestation)
Carrier type mei:carrierForm
Production level Would that be relevant for the audio layer? Is there also a corresponding vocabulary for audio?
Runtime image  mei:perfDuration type="video"
Runtime audio mei:perfDuration type="audio"
Playback speed B/s mei:playingSpeed (mit Hilfe eines @unit-Attributs spezifizieren?, bislang geht nur @type)
Playback speed cm/s s. o.  
Playback speed U/min s. o. adjust values?
Video standard system there is no element like signalFormat or similar
Screen aspect ratio (original)/Bildseitenverhältnis (Original) there is no element like frameType or similar
Black and white/color
Sound/Audio format mono/stereo mei:soundChan
Text annotations on the film carrier outside the scan area (e.g. film material batch number) / Textvermerke auf dem Filmträger außerhalb des Scanbereichs (z.B. Filmmaterialchargennummer)
Material film, painted film, etc.
Accompanying documents mei:accMat

Digitized object

Content MEI element Suggested element Remarks
Image file (Scanner output, file format)
Audio file (Scanner output, file format) mei:avFile (with @mimetype attribute)
Image - Encoding Software
Image - Codec
Image - Container
Audio - Encoding Software mei:specRepro
Audio - Codec
Audio - Container
Resolution width in px
Resolution height in px
Color depth in bit
Color space
Audio bit depth in bit
Sampling rate in kHz
Audio track assignment information
TC Information --> ?
Chapter marks (STCs)/ Structural marks
Bitrate Mbit/Sec
Special features of the file
Timestamp of the file

Digitization process

Content MEI element Suggested element Remarks
Cleaning of material mei:treatHist/mei:treatSched?
Quantity of glued areas / Menge der Klebestellen mei:condition?
+ Location of the glued areas requires possibility of exact addressing
Peculiarities of a single role compared to a group of roles should be sufficiently describable using multiple mei:items
Time of digitization (timestamp of the file)
Publisher of digitized object

To be expanded ...