will not update. -- 20220207
I will finish my postgraduate and join Huawei as a software develpoment engineer on 2020, Frankly speaking, I am not satisfied (even very upset) with my personal achievements over the past 6.5 years in Tongji University. The most important problem is that I did not explore one particular topic deeply. I have tried Product Manager, Frontend, Backend, Algorithm, Data Handling etc. I think this is a very good plan for thoes people who are very gifted, but unfortunately I am not one of them obviously (if so, I think I will get much more achievements), even though I am very interested about all of them.
So, it's important for me to make choice right now. In my first stage of career, I want to use about 3 years to testify whether I am suitable for a pure software engineer career path (usually with this ascent curve, Junior SDE -> Senior SDE -> Development Manager -> Technical Director -> CTO). If so, I think it's enough to become a Senior SDE in this period. If not, I think I have to make other plans to become more successful in my career. This repository is designed to record this process.
Execution time : 2019.12 ~ 2023.01
This repository mainly including those parts as follow:
- Mandatory Indices -- my mandatory (hard, quantitative) indices of this plan
- Flexible Indices -- my flexible (soft) indices of this plan
- Milestones -- milestones related to accomplish those indices above
- Blogs -- my personal blogs which related to this plan
- Useful Links -- those resources which contribute to this plan greatly
Have fun, be careful!
- 数据结构和算法基础,LeetCode刷题 200+,熟悉常见的设计模式并有实际项目开发经验积累;
- 熟练掌握Python,包括语言特性,高级应用等;
- 具备一定的前端开发能力(基于 Vue);
- 具备全栈开发能力(非调包 or CRUD boy),明白开发过程中的每一个环节是如何串联的;
精通 Java,包括语言本身特性、集合框架、多线程、IO操作、JVM原理等;(由于换工作暂时不再使用Java技术栈,放低)熟悉Andorid 启动过程,熟练掌握SDK,Framework开发及常用开源框架,具备独立开发Android APP能力;(优先级放低)熟悉各种网络协议并具有实际开发经验积累。(与当前工作内容不符,暂时放低)
- 沟通能力,“见人说人话,见鬼说鬼话”,能够即刻串联手头资源并从他人处获取需要的信息;
- Presentation能力,做到可以和所能接触到的任何级别的人做投其所好的相应汇报;
- 英文文档阅读能力,中英文文档阅读和理解速度不再有效率上的明显差距;
- 学习/知识整合能力,能在相对较短时间内上手最新的工具和框架,同时具备一定的技术选型能力;
- 2019.12~2020.01,结合 极客时间 数据结构与算法之美,完成个人刷题总结 科学刷题指北 ;
- 2019.12~2020.02,学习《 代码整洁之道 》;
- 2020.02~2020.03,学习 《程序员进阶攻略》 专栏,基于此完成 现状分析 -- 2020入职前;
- 2020.03~2020.05,完整重刷 科学刷题指北 ;
- 2020.03~2020.04,学习 《码出高效:Java开发手册》 ;
- 2020.05~2020.06,熟悉 Android 开发,快速上手kitframework开发;
--- 分割线(入职后重新调整)
- 2020.07~2020.09,算法刷至200+,补充 500Q,通过公司相关考试;
2020.07~2020.09,刷完《Effective Java》(暂时搁置);- 2020.08~2020.10,按时完成开发/测试任务,利用kitframework熟悉华为工作流程和相应专业技能累积,完成转正答辩;
- 2020.10~2021.12.31,坚持LC每日一题打卡 + 通过 可信专业级 所有考试,拿到专业级证书;
--- 分割线(跳槽后重新规划)
见 Blogs.
- 现状分析 -- 2021下半年 (20211024)
- 现状分析 -- 2021上半年 (20210330)
- Must Reading Material for Programmer (20200816)
- 现状分析 -- 2020下半年 (20200713)
- 现状分析 -- 2020入职前 (20200318)
- 毕业小结 (20200315)
- 2019年终总结 (20200102)
- 学习编程的方法 (20191203)
- 秋招反思 (20191202)
- 现状分析 -- 2019下半年 (20190722)
- 现状分析 -- 2019上半年 (20190214)
500-interview-question-for-programmers (my personal interview guide)
金旭亮:一个普通IT人的十年回顾(上)的故事 (recommended story for all programmers)
左耳听风 (陈皓专栏,包括编程范式,进阶学习攻略(资源库),面试和分布式等主题)
程序员进阶攻略 (极客时间专栏,前面的文章还不错,后边的较水)