v0 (2/1/2018 - 2/6/2018)
- initialized main features
- tree mode
- digimon selection
- tree line visualization
- initialized global mode
- initialized intersection/union tree toggle
- initialized evol group selection
- initialized
v1 (2/6/2018 - 4/22/2018)
- initialized search group
- initialized tribe icons
- initialized dna2 indicator
- switched default mode from tree to global
- made body background black
- reworded tree/global mode toggle
- reworded intersection/union tree toggle
- decreased shadow, padding, border, and border radius of evol groups
- increased padding on digimon cards
- added bottom padding to body
- to prevent mobile toolbar from popping up during mega selection
v2 (4/22/2018 - 8/30/2018)
- initialized github button
- initialized growlmon.net export button
- opens growlmon.net pages for all selected digimon
- initialized awakening buttons
- initialized link to advent schedule
- initialized nametags
- replaced dna2 indicators with skillsets
- shows skill element, skill effect, and growlmon.net-rated tier
- switched default mode back from global to tree
- switch default tree from union to intersection
- added favicon
- increased search box size
- changed intersection/union tree toggle from text to button
- changed global/tree mode toggle from text to button
- increased opacity of digimon cards
- changed selection group to look like evol groups
- normalized padding and border radius of evol group labels
v3 (8/31/2018 - 9/26/2018)
- initialized search filters
- basic: tribe, skill element, skill effect
- special: tree, dna2, v2, advent
- initialized hover preview
- initialized sort basis toggle
- alphabetical, by tribe, or untangled
- initialized card resizer
- initialized advent indicator
- initialized saving settings in local storage
- initialized footer
- added website description, contact information, and q&a
- moved github button to about section
- replaced growlmon.net export button with individual growlmon.net links under each digimon card
- initialized plugin calculator
- increased scrollable area of selection group and evol groups
- eliminated group padding and margins
- can now scroll with cursor over evol group label or at window edge
- moved evol group labels from middle to left
- to prevent accidental evol group selection
- moved search box behind search button
- added blank card for when no digimon are selected
- removed transparency from digimon cards
- added soft hyphens to digimon nametags
- allows full name to be seen
- eliminates need for arial narrow font
- redesigned linelayer paths
- lines are now rotationally symmetric
- mega-to-mega lines now start and end in the correct direction
- added v2 images and v2 option in awakening toggle
- replaced tribe icons with transparent tribe icons
- allows fancy css filters
- renamed all variables and classes
- replaced all 64px digimon images with full-scale 130px images
- images no longer look blurry
- halved the file size anyway by using matlab
- converted all images to indexed 64-color images
- switched linelayer from svg to canvas
- greatly reduced scroll lag
- fixed height of images
- prevents browser reflow (usually)
- added none.png as digimon image background
- smaller filesize than all digimon images
- this should show first while digimon images are still loading
- rewrote tree data structure
- added tree memoization
- fixed some problems with safari and firefox
- #rgba, gradients, scrolling, and for-of loops were the main issues
v4 (9/24/2018 - 10/11/2018)
- initialize planner
- can add, delete, view, annotate, and rearrange plans
- stored in local storage
- initialize fragment counter
- changed background based on count
- stored in local storage
- added fragment counter toggle to settings bar
- initialize importer
- initialize exporter
- initialize local storage resetter
- initialize parameter preselection
- changed growlmon.net links to chortos.selfip.net links
- renamed classes
- generalized .toggle-search to .bar-button
- moved settings bar to bottom
- edited about description
- edited faq
v5 (10/12/2018 - 3/15/2019)
- initialized language option
- initialized url parameters
- preselect digimon with sd key
- preset fragment counters with fc key
- removed tiers from skillsets
- added a separate tier list page
- added magical and physical indicators to skillsets and filters
- added date to exported memblocks
- added linelayer visibility options to preview settings
- initialized opacity-based indicator for global digimon
- changed advent indicator to advent countdown
- initialized update log
- initialized fragment counter filter
- initialized tier
- switched information database
- switched image database
- used new layered images to make hovered/previewed profiles fancier
- edited faq
- fixed more compatibility issues
- fixed advent time format
- fixed autosaving issue on mobile devices
v6 (3/16/2019 - )
- split mega row into two
- changed favicon from agumon head to gallantmon shield
- converted into a progressive web app
- added manifest
- added more favicon versions
- added service worker
Changes are pushed incrementally, so all versions of Takatomon have overlapping timelines.
The dates shown approximately mark when the defining changes were pushed and made available to the public.