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Plains2Peaks Virtual Machine

CSL-sysadmin edited this page Jul 17, 2018 · 3 revisions

Start-up Plains2Peaks DPLA Service Hub

  1. Login to the Digital Ocean virtual machine as the p2p_user and sudo su

  2. Change directory to /etc/dpla-service-hub/

  3. Stop any running containers docker-compose stop with Docker Compose

  4. Run the bash script to remove all containers and images

  5. Pull in any changes to the service hub with git, git pull origin plains2peaks

  6. Build and Launch all of the Docker containers in the background:

    docker-compose up -d

  7. Change directories to /home/p2p_user

  8. Activate the p2p_env virtual python environment:

    source p2p_env/bin/activate

  9. Run the script to load the triplestore and index the RDF into Elasticsearch:
