Minimal Spring Boot based sample AMQP producer app.
Pre-Requisites to run this example locally
- Setup git command line tool (
- Clone source code to the local machine:
git clone
cd quickstart-amqp-producing-hello
- Install Docker
- Add new version of Docker Compose
- Spin-up single instance of RabbitMQ broker by running command:
docker compose -f compose.yaml up -d
This application is a Spring Boot application built using Maven. You can build a jar files and run it from the command line:
- Create jar packages:
./mvnw package
- Run quickstart-amqp-producing-hello app:
java -jar target/*.jar
You might also want to use Maven's spring-boot:run
goal - applications run in an exploded form, as they do in your IDE:
./mvnw spring-boot:run -P dev
The code follows Google Code Conventions. Code quality is measured by:
- Sonarqube
- CheckStyle
- SpotBugs
- Qulice
This project has standard JUnit tests. To run them execute this command:
./mvnw verify -P use-testcontainers
It is mandatory to keep test code coverage not below 80 percents and cover all business logic and edge cases.
Project uses a three-segment CalVer scheme, with a short year in the major version slot, short month in the minor version slot, and micro/patch version in the third and final slot.
- YY - short year - 6, 16, 106
- MM - short month - 1, 2 ... 11, 12
- MICRO - "patch" segment