The app allows its users to keep track of their daily exercise routine
You can access a working prototype of the React app here: and Node app here:
This app is for logged in users and visitors
- As a new user
- I would like to understand what the page is about
- so that I can use the app efficiently
- As a new user
- I want to be able to create a new account
- so that I can access the exercise tracker
- As a new user
- I want to be able to sign in into my account
- so that I can start using my tracker
- As a new user and returning user
- I would like to view my current exercise status
- so that I can keep track of my results
- As a new user and returning user
- I would like to be able to log out of my account
- so that I can stop using the app
- As a new and returning user
- I want to be able to add new exercises to my list
- so that I can keep track of my exercises
- As a new and returning user
- I want to be able to view all my activities
- So that I can see my progress
- As a new and returning user
- I would like to view the website on both mobile devices and desktop computers
- so that I can use it on multiple devices
- As a user with disabilities
- I would like to navigate the website with the use of keyboard
- so that I can use the website
- As a user with disabilities
- I would like for the website to keep high contrast for visibility
- so that I can see the displayed web app accordingly
- As a user with disabilities
- I would like for the website to be accessible (ARIA)
- so that I have no problems with using the app
- As a user with disabilities
- I would like for the website to be well structured for the screen readers’s accesibility
- so that I can use screen reader efficiently
Landing/Login Page |
![]() |
Landing/Registration |
![]() |
Dashboard |
![]() |
Add Exercise |
![]() |
Exercise List |
![]() |
- register wireframe
- login wireframe
- Dashboard wireframe
- Add exercise wireframe
- Exercises wireframe
Landing/Login Page |
![]() |
Landing/Registration |
![]() |
Add Exercise |
![]() |
Dashboard |
![]() |
Exercise List |
![]() |
The app's functionality includes:
- Every visitor has the ability to create an account
- Every registered user can log in to his/her account
- Every registered user can view his/her exercises
- Every registered user can add exercises to the list
- Every registered user can see his/her weekly progress
- Index.js (stateless)
- App.js (statefull)
- RegistartionPage.js (statefull)
- LoginPage.js (statefull)
- Navigation.js (stateless)
- Backdrop.js (stateless)
- SideDrawer.js (stateless)
- DrawerToggleButton.js (stateless)
- Dashboard.js (statefull)
- AddExercise.js (statefull)
- Exercises.js (statefull)
- App.js (statefull)
users (database table)
- id
- user_name (only lowercase and uppercase letters and dash)
- user_password ( at least one number, one lowercase and one uppercase letter, at least eight characters that are letters, numbers or the underscore)
- user_email (email validation)
exercises (database table)
- id
- user_id (connnection with id from users table)
- name (country original name)
- exercise_length (numeric)
- date (timestamp)
- notes (varchar 255)
- Front-End: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript ES6, React
- Back-End: Node.js, Express.js, Mocha, Chai, RESTful API Endpoints, Postgres
- Development Environment: Heroku, DBeaver
API Documentation details:
- get all exercises by users => /api/exercise/user/:user_id
"id": 27,
"user_id": 3,
"name": "weight lifting",
"exercise_length": 20,
"date": "2020-10-05T22:00:00.000Z",
"notes": "lifting heavy weigths"
- post exercises => api/exercise
"id": 3,
"user_id": 1,
"name": "jogging",
"exercise_length": 30,
"date": "2020-09-21T16:52:40.000Z",
"notes": "notes added"
- post login users => /api/auth/login
"authToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxLCJpYXQiOjE2MDIxNzQzNTksInN1YiI6Ik1pY2hhZWwifQ.l6e9Wk39rLfqMdlo8R9nJJEYIDmptqiYOwvAvqrzjos",
"userId": 1
- post registered users => /api/users
"id": 4,
"user_name": "Kathrine"
- delete exercise by id => /api/exercise/:exercise_id
204 No Content
App is built to be usable on mobile devices, as well as responsive across mobile, tablet, laptop, and desktop screen resolutions.
This is v1.0 of the app, but future enhancements are expected to include:
- add additional info on the exercise (summary of the exercise, pictures,)
- adding a patch button to the exercise
Use command line to navigate into the project folder and run the following in terminal
- To install the node project ===> npm install
- To migrate the database ===> npm run migrate -- 1
- To run Node server (on port 8000) ===> npm run dev
- To run tests ===> npm run test
- To install the react project ===> npm install
- To run react (on port 3000) ===> npm start
- To run tests ===> npm run test