Schema Design:
This website allows users to digitally save information found in a homeowner's Seller's Disclosure Document.
I was motivated to build this application after finding that updating my own Seller's Disclosure paperwork was a tedious task.
It was my goal to make the experience easier and more streamlined.
Run the following commands from the Linux terminal:
Install Requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
Start PostgreSQL locally: sudo service postgresql start
Delete and Create all tables: python
Seed the database: psql < capstone-seed.sql
Start the backend: flask run
Start the frontend: npm start
Login/Logout Functionality
Registration Functionality
User-Friendly UI for ease of use
Privacy Routes for privacy and security
Hashed Passwords for security
PDF Export option
Login or Register
Create a New Household
Enter basic household information
Navigate to "View Household Detail"
Navigate to each tab to enter additional information about the household
Navigate to "Back to Households"
Click "Download" to view a PDF of your household information
Click "Export PDF" to view a finalized PDF of your household information before downloading