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Content API Documentation


The KinesteX Content API allows you to fetch workout plans, workouts, and exercises from the KinesteX platform. This API provides a simple and efficient way to integrate KinesteX content into your Android applications.



  • API Key: You must have a valid API key provided by KinesteX.
  • Company Name: Your company's name as registered with KinesteX.
  • Dependencies: Ensure you have Kotlin Coroutines in your project and the latest version of KinesteXSDK. Check the latest version here.

Fetching Content

You can fetch different types of content by specifying the ContentType. The available content types are:

  • ContentType.WORKOUT
  • ContentType.PLAN
  • ContentType.EXERCISE

Additionally, you can fetch lists of content by providing optional parameters such as category, bodyParts, limit, and lastDocId for pagination.

Here's how you can fetch content:

btnApiRequest.setOnClickListener {
    lifecycleScope.launch {
        try {
            // Show loading state if needed
            // binding.progressBar.visibility = View.VISIBLE

            // Switch to IO dispatcher for network request
            val result = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
                // FOR FETCHING PLANS LIST
                    apiKey = apiKey,
                    companyName = company,
                    contentType = ContentType.PLAN,
                    category = "Cardio",
                    limit = 5

                // FOR FETCHING WORKOUTS LIST (with category and body parts)
                // fetchContent(
                //     apiKey = apiKey,
                //     companyName = company,
                //     contentType = ContentType.WORKOUT,
                //     category = "Fitness",
                //     bodyParts = listOf(BodyPart.ABS),
                //     limit = 5
                // )

                // FOR FETCHING EXERCISES LIST (with body parts)
                // fetchContent(
                //     apiKey = apiKey,
                //     companyName = company,
                //     contentType = ContentType.EXERCISE,
                //     bodyParts = listOf(BodyPart.ABS),
                //     limit = 5
                // )

                // FOR FETCHING a Specific Plan
                // fetchContent(
                //     apiKey = apiKey,
                //     companyName = company,
                //     contentType = ContentType.PLAN,
                //     title = "Circuit Training"
                // )

                // FOR FETCHING a Specific Workout
                // fetchContent(
                //     apiKey = apiKey,
                //     companyName = company,
                //     contentType = ContentType.WORKOUT,
                //     title = "Fitness Lite"
                // )

                // FOR FETCHING a Specific Exercise
                // fetchContent(
                //     apiKey = apiKey,
                //     companyName = company,
                //     contentType = ContentType.EXERCISE,
                //     title = "Squats"
                // )

            // Handle the result on the main thread
        } catch (e: Exception) {
            // Handle any errors
                "Error: ${e.message}",
        } finally {
            // Hide loading state if needed
            // binding.progressBar.visibility = View.GONE


  • Button Click Listener: When the button is clicked, a coroutine is launched in the lifecycle scope.
  • Switch to IO Dispatcher: The withContext(Dispatchers.IO) block ensures that the network request is performed on an IO thread, preventing UI blocking.
  • Fetch Content: The fetchContent function is called with the necessary parameters to fetch the desired content. You can uncomment the relevant lines to fetch lists or specific items based on your needs.
  • Handle Result: After fetching, the result is passed to handleAPIResult to process the response.

Fetch Content Function

private suspend fun fetchContent(
    apiKey: String,
    companyName: String,
    contentType: ContentType,
    id: String? = null,
    title: String? = null,
    lang: String = "en",
    category: String? = null,
    lastDocId: String? = null,
    limit: Int? = null,
    bodyParts: List<BodyPart>? = null
): APIContentResult {
    return KinesteXAPI.fetchAPIContentData(
        apiKey = apiKey,
        companyName = companyName,
        contentType = contentType,
        id = id,
        title = title,
        lang = lang,
        category = category,
        lastDocId = lastDocId,
        limit = limit,
        bodyParts = bodyParts


  • Parameters:
    • apiKey: Your KinesteX API key.
    • companyName: Your company name registered with KinesteX.
    • contentType: The type of content to fetch (WORKOUT, PLAN, EXERCISE).
    • id (optional): Specific ID of the content.
    • title (optional): Title of the content to search for.
    • category (optional): Filter content by category.
    • lastDocId (optional): Identifier for pagination to fetch the next set of results.
    • limit (optional): Limit the number of results returned.
    • bodyParts (optional): Filter workouts or exercises by targeted body parts using the BodyPart enum.
  • Return Value: An APIContentResult object containing the fetched data or an error message.

Handling the API Result

private fun handleAPIResult(result: APIContentResult) {
    when (result) {
        is APIContentResult.Workout -> {
            val workout = result.workout
            val gson = GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create()
            val prettyJson = gson.toJson(workout)
            println("Workout Data:\n$prettyJson")
        is APIContentResult.Plan -> {
            val plan = result.plan
            val gson = GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create()
            val prettyJson = gson.toJson(plan)
            println("Plan Data:\n$prettyJson")
        is APIContentResult.Exercise -> {
            val exercise = result.exercise
            val gson = GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create()
            val prettyJson = gson.toJson(exercise)
            println("Exercise Data:\n$prettyJson")
        is APIContentResult.Workouts -> {
            val workouts = result.workouts.workouts
            workouts.forEach { workout ->
                println("Workout Title: ${workout.title}")
                println("Body Parts: ${workout.body_parts.joinToString { it.value }}")
                println("LastDocId: ${result.workouts.lastDocId}")
        is APIContentResult.Plans -> {
            val plans = result.plans.plans
            plans.forEach { plan ->
                println("Plan Title: ${plan.title}")
                println("Categories: ${plan.category.description}")
                println("LastDocId: ${result.plans.lastDocId}")
        is APIContentResult.Exercises -> {
            val exercises = result.exercises.exercises
            exercises.forEach { exercise ->
                println("Exercise Title: ${exercise.title}")
                println("Body Parts: ${exercise.body_parts.joinToString { it.value }}")
                println("LastDocId: ${result.exercises.lastDocId}")
        is APIContentResult.Error -> {
                "Error: ${result.message}",


  • APIContentResult: A sealed class representing the result of the API request.
    • Success Cases:
      • Workout: Contains a single WorkoutModel.
      • Plan: Contains a single PlanModel.
      • Exercise: Contains a single ExerciseModel.
      • Workouts: Contains a list of WorkoutModel along with lastDocId for pagination.
      • Plans: Contains a list of PlanModel along with lastDocId for pagination.
      • Exercises: Contains a list of ExerciseModel along with lastDocId for pagination.
    • Error Case:
      • Error: Contains an error message.
  • Handling Data:
    • Use Gson with pretty printing to convert single item results into a readable JSON format.
    • Iterate through lists (Workouts, Plans, Exercises) and handle each item as needed.
    • Pagination: After handling the current set of results, use the provided lastDocId to fetch the next set of data.
  • Handling Errors:
    • Display a toast message or handle the error appropriately.

Pagination with lastDocId

To implement pagination, utilize the lastDocId provided in the response of your initial request. This ID allows you to fetch the next set of results in subsequent API calls.

Example: Fetching the Next Page of Workouts

// Initial Fetch
val initialResult = fetchContent(
    apiKey = apiKey,
    companyName = company,
    contentType = ContentType.WORKOUT,
    category = "Fitness",
    limit = 5

// Handle Initial Result

// Assume you have obtained lastDocId from the initialResult
val lastDocId = when (initialResult) {
    is APIContentResult.Workouts -> initialResult.workouts.lastDocId
    else -> null

// Fetch Next Page Using lastDocId
if (lastDocId != null) {
    val nextPageResult = fetchContent(
        apiKey = apiKey,
        companyName = company,
        contentType = ContentType.WORKOUT,
        category = "Fitness",
        limit = 5,
        lastDocId = lastDocId
    // Handle Next Page Result


  1. Initial Fetch: Fetch the first set of workouts with a specified limit.
  2. Handle Initial Result: Process and display the fetched workouts.
  3. Retrieve lastDocId: Extract the lastDocId from the initial response to use for the next request.
  4. Fetch Next Page: Use the retrieved lastDocId to fetch the subsequent set of workouts.
  5. Handle Next Page Result: Process and display the next set of workouts.

Key Points

  • Endpoints: Constructs the appropriate endpoint based on ContentType.
  • Headers: Adds x-api-key and x-company-name to authenticate requests.
  • Network Call: Uses OkHttpClient to perform synchronous network calls.
  • Error Handling: Returns an APIContentResult.Error in case of failures.
  • BodyPart Filtering: Supports filtering by BodyPart enum to fetch targeted content lists.
  • Pagination: Utilizes lastDocId to implement pagination, allowing you to fetch subsequent pages of content.

Data Models

Data classes representing the structure of the content:

  • WorkoutModel
  • ExerciseModel
  • PlanModel

These models represent the data received from the API and are used throughout your application. They now include body_parts as a list of BodyPart enums to ensure type safety and consistency.

Notes on Coroutine Dispatchers

Why Use withContext(Dispatchers.IO)?

  • Non-blocking I/O: Dispatchers.IO is optimized for offloading blocking IO tasks to a shared pool of threads.
  • Prevent UI Freezing: Performing network operations on the main thread can cause the UI to freeze, leading to a poor user experience.
  • Best Practices: It's a recommended practice to perform network requests on a background thread to keep the app responsive.

How It Works

val result = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
    // Network request or any IO-intensive task
  • Switching Context: withContext suspends the current coroutine without blocking the thread and resumes it in the specified dispatcher (Dispatchers.IO).
  • Coroutine Suspension: The coroutine will suspend until the network call is complete, and then resume on the main thread (since lifecycleScope is tied to the main thread).

Additional Information

  • Error Handling: Always handle possible exceptions, especially when dealing with network requests.
  • Thread Safety: UI updates must occur on the main thread. Ensure that after fetching data on Dispatchers.IO, any UI operations are performed on the main thread.
  • Asynchronous Programming: Utilizing coroutines and proper dispatchers helps in writing asynchronous code that is easy to read and maintain.
  • BodyPart Enum: Utilize the BodyPart enum to specify targeted muscle groups when fetching workouts or exercises, ensuring consistency and type safety.
  • Pagination: Use the lastDocId from your API responses to fetch subsequent pages of content, enabling smooth and efficient data loading.


For any questions, issues, or feature requests, please contact us at

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