Releases: KinanBab/neptune-notebook.js
Releases · KinanBab/neptune-notebook.js
Leftover bug fix:
- Make sure require path is compatible with node < 10
Bug fixes:
- Make Require wrapper compatible with node < 10
- Format null and undefined in Console.log correctly
- Create a drop down "nav" menu to navigate between tabs from
- Ensure drop down menu interacts properly with other controls in the toolbar
- Support dropdown option in markdown to override default behavior
UI Improvements and fixes
- Add run all button
- Add run=false option in markdown to make code block un-runnable
- Add tooltips to toolbar controls
- Provide Require wrapper that base relative paths with the path of the main module
- Fix mkdirp implementation to be supported on node < 10
- Decomment javascript injected files to avoid potential issues with comments closing tags
Important improvements in interactive code blocks
- Use codemirror instead of prism
- Improve scoping quine so that let and const are supported
- Implement downloading feature to save current state of document with outputs