Releases: KillerCodeMonkey/stencil-quill
Releases · KillerCodeMonkey/stencil-quill
stencil one
Upgrade to stencil one :)
stringify all the object props
Breaking Changes:
- no object props any more --> styles, modules are strings (JSON stringified objects) to get initial values passed through the dom
- a global Quill object is expected
- extended example with the usage of a custom module (
remove object format - use json strings and json format
2.1.0 chore: bump version
Fix build and changed styles api
- there is the dist folder again with all files needed and linked in the package.json + unpkg is working again
- styles-property works only with the correct css-property name (not pascalCase)
{ backgroundColor: red }
{ 'background-color': red }
fixed indexed styles propery access
1.3.2 chore: bump version - fix 1.3.1 fail
onFocus, onBlur + preserveWhitespace
1.3.0 feat(): onFocus, onBlur + preserveWhitespace
Stencil Upgrade + debug prop
1.2.0 chore(): bump 1.2.0
first release
0.0.1 add readme