Releases: KillerCodeMonkey/ngx-quill
Complete onEditorCreated output
The onEditorCreated
subject is now completed right after it emits.
Closes #1590
Changed ViewEncapsulation of editor component
the quill-editor-component is now using ViewEncapsulation.Emulated
instead of ViewEncapsulation.None
Thanks to @allanbond
Standalone Components and Config
Thanks again to @arturovt it is now possible to use the quill components as standalone components. You are able to set the global quill config via the new QuillConfigModule
. In those case it is not necessary to import the whole ngx-quill package with the QuillModule.
Async custom modules
Angular 14
Breaking: Upgrade to Angular 14 + general deps upgrade
No native dom manipulating
ngx-quill does not do native dommanipulation anymore (#1528)
- replaced the usage of "insertAdjacentHTML" with ng-container and
- people using ngx-quill with the example implementation with material ui (mat-quill) should adapt their component template
global sanitize config
Allow to set sanitize
option in QuillModule.forRoot({ sanitize: true })
Async loading of qulljs with subscription instead of promise
QuillJS was loaded asynchronous, but not cancelable via promises.
Thx to @arturovt it is now loaded with a subscription that can be unsubscribe :)
Fix peerDependency to rxjs
be npm >= 7 compatible and allow rxjs ^6.5.3 || ^7.4.0
v16: Partial compilation
since ngx-quill is using the new feature of partial compilation only angular v13 and up can be supported
Thanks to @arturovt 👍