A greenhouse is a framed or inflated structure covered with a transparent or translucent material in which fruits or vegetables or flower crops can be grown under the Controlled Climatic Conditions or at least partially controlled environment.
Its mostly used in Agricultural Research to Study impact of Environmental Parameters on Crop Yield and its Nutritional Contents.
Environmental Parameters like Temperature, Humidity, Ambient Light and Soil Moisture are kept under control as per crop need, using Sensors and Devices like AC, Dehumidifiers, Light, Foggers, and Water Pumps.
I am collecting Environmental Parameters like Temperature, Humidity , Ambient Light and Soil Moisture using appropriate Sensors in real time.
Based on Pre-Defined Values (as per crop research need) of these Parameters ,I am switching on/off devices like Cooling System, Dehumidifier , Water Pump etc.
Sensor Data is being uploaded to Cloud.
To Demonstrate these Capabilities , I controlled functioning of DC Pump , DC Motor, DC Fans and Light using suitable Relay Control.
I used Arduino Mega with WiFi Development Board, Arduino IDE, Temperature Sensor, Humidity Sensor, Light Sensor , Soil Moisture Sensor , LCD Display , ESP8266 WiFi Board and 4 channel DC Relays.