This is a Template based on the 7-1 architecture and Sass Guidelines writing conventions.
Each folder contains a
file for explanations and informations.
Folders in the scss/
folder have an _index.scss
file that allows to load from a single entrypoint all modules if needed with the help of the @forward
rule, using one single rule @use 'folder_name' as *;
in our main.scss
file. Be sure to browse the repository to see how it works.
css/ # Compiled CSS
fonts/ # Hosted fonts
icons/ # Icons (svg preferably)
images/ # Image assets
js/ # JavaScript (scripts, libraries, modules etc…)
scss/ # SCSS folder
|– abstracts/
| |– _index.scss # To import the whole folder if needed
| |– _functions.scss # Functions
| |– _mixins.scss # Mixins to include
| |– _placeholders.scss # Placeholders to extend
| |– _variables.scss # Variables, Maps
| ... # Etc…
|– base/
| |– _index.scss # To import the whole folder if needed
| |– _font-face.scss # @font-face rules (if you're hosting your fonts)
| |– _resets.scss # Reset/normalize
| |– _typography.scss # Typography rules (font-size in each breakpoint etc…)
| |– _Utilities.scss # Utility classes
| ... # Etc…
|– components/
| |– _index.scss # To import the whole folder if needed
| |– _breadcrumbs.scss # Breadcrumbs
| |– _buttons.scss # Buttons
| |– _cards.scss # Cards
| |– _carousel.scss # Carousel/Sliders
| |– _checkbox.scss # Custom checkboxes
| |– _forms.scss # Forms
| |– _radio.scss # Custom radio buttons
| |– _select.scss # Custom select inputs
| |– _tables.scss # Tables
| ... # Etc…
|– layout/
| |– _index.scss # To import the whole folder if needed
| |– _footer.scss # Footer
| |– _header.scss # Header
| |– _navigation.scss # Navigation
| |– _sidebar.scss # Sidebar
| ... # Etc…
|– pages/
| |– home.scss # Homepage specific stylesheet
| ... # Etc…
`– main.scss # Main SCSS file to be compiled into CSS and linked accross all pages
Since the importing of files is with the @use
and @forward
rules, Dart-Sass is required, install with your preferred method: Install Sass.
When writing your HTML and CSS or SASS/SCSS, it is a good practice to follow a certain methodology or class naming convention like the BEM methodology. It's purpose is to make your front-end code easier to read, understand, scale and manage.