KAnix is a fully fledged operating system written in JavaScript made for use on the Khan Academy platform (hence the name, Khan Academy *nix). It has an operable filesystem that is similar in many ways to Unix's.
KASH is an extremely basic shell that comes with KAnix (hence the name, Khan Academy SHell). As I said, it's extremely basic and nowhere near POSIX.
kash.pH = 1e3;
KAnix is currently at version v0.1.6, and KASH is currently at v0.8b. In development is KAnix v0.1.7 + KASH v0.8c, which is a major release in and to itself, but will need much more improvement in v0.1.8 + v0.8d.
After that will come v0.1.9 + v0.9, the last release before the first ultra-stable release, v0.2.0 + v1.0.