This is a REST service that converts an integer into a roman numeral. It provides a webpage with a form that consumes the roman numeral service.
Roman numerals only go up to M (1,000). According to the rules of addition and subtraction, this means that the biggest number we can form in Roman numerals is MMMCMXCIX, or 3,999. This application will take all numbers 0-3,999 and convert them to their proper roman numeral.
If a user enters '0', 'nulla' will be returned, which is the way Roman's referred to the number 0.
If a user enters any number other than 0 - 3,999 inclusive, an error message prompting the user to retry with a number between 0 - 3,999.
When you run mvn clean package
the frontend Vue application will build in the dist
The Maven plugin maven-resources-plugin
will copy the contents of the build directory into /target/static/classes
is a file I used for Heroku to set the Java version and deploy the application.
Link to see it working live on Heroku: