This project is a full-stack Todo Management System designed using Spring Boot for the backend and React JS for the frontend, secured with Spring Security.
- User Authentication: Secure login and registration process.
- Role-Based Access Control: Different functionalities available based on user roles (Admin vs User).
- CRUD Operations: Users can create, read, update, and delete tasks.
- Task Status Management: Users can mark tasks as complete or incomplete.
- Spring Boot 3: Application framework
- Spring Security 6: Authentication and authorization
- JWT: Secure token creation for API access
- Spring Data JPA (Hibernate): ORM for database operations
- MySQL Database: Persistence storage
- Maven: Dependency management
- Postman Client: API testing
- React JS 18+: UI framework
- Bootstrap CSS: Styling
- JavaScript: Programming language
- NPM: Package manager
- Visual Studio Code IDE: Development environment
- Axios: Promise-based HTTP client for browser and node.js