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@Keriew Keriew released this 17 May 14:29
· 2218 commits to master since this release


  • Added tavern, a new entertainment building. Requires wine to work, provides extra entertainment with meat.
  • Added arena, a smaller version of colosseum.
  • Added unused bird chirping ambient sound.
  • Added a cheat to unlock all buildings.
  • Added rotated small statues.
  • Added horse statue.
  • Added two types of hedges. They adjust their graphics based on adjacent hedges.
  • Added an option to disallow roamers from skipping corners.
  • Added colonnade.
  • Added tooltips to roadblock controls.
  • Added lararium, a small shrine to lares and ancestor spirits. It functions as a tiny oracle, providing coverage for 20 people to every god and providing positive desirability.
  • Added nymphaeum, a building dedicated to the nymphs. It functions as a large oracle, providing coverage for 750 people to every god and providing a positive desirability.
  • Added small and large mausoleums, functioning the same way as oracles and nymphaeum, except providing negative desirability.
  • Added watchtower, a small building that shoots enemies with arrows and sends out two sentry walkers to patrol the streets against the enemies.
  • Trade advisor will now display whether a resource is importable or exportable.
  • Certain buildings now have graphical variants, available for selection when building them by pressing the rotation key. Buildings with variants available will provide a notification.
  • Added a "go to the monument" button when a monument is completed.
  • Added a decorative column.
  • Added a blue roadblock variant.
  • Allow cycling of some buildings - switching between the related types by pressing the rotation key. Works for paths, trees, small and large temples.
  • Add option to allow exporting food from granaries.
  • Monument screen will now display a warning if it's not properly connected.
  • Add an option to have wolves respawn even if the whole pack is killed.
  • Added a button to stop monument construction.
  • Added roadblock permissions for missionaries and watchmen.
  • Added tooltips for problems overlay, explaining what the problem is.
  • Sidebar will now display emperor requests, gods' status and invasion information.
  • Added Caravanserai, a building that allows setting a land trade policy and shortens duration of land trade disruptions.
  • Lighthouse allows you to pick sea trade policy. They can also be selected from trade advisor screen.
  • Added games, big events that require colosseum, resources, personal money and preparation time in exchange for bonuses. Naval battles increase soldier movement speed for 12 months and improve victory chances in the next distant battle. Executions prevent criminals from spawning, improve sentiment, prevent gladiator revolts and cause colosseum to spawn lion walkers who defend the town for 12 months. Imperial games increase sentiment and Caesar's favour for 12 months.
  • Added a rotated small statue variant.
  • Added undo hotkey.
  • Added a new option, which lets you see the highest prosperity achievable with the current state of the city.
  • Added garden walls.
  • You can now stockpile goods for requests from the sidebar.
  • When dispatching a good that is being stockpiled, you'll be asked if you wish to keep stockpiling the good when confirming the dispatch.
  • Added sentiment overlay.
  • Chief advisor now has a new message explaining about poor overall housing having a negative impact on migration.
  • Added a “clear text” button for input boxes.
  • Added garden wall gates.
  • Added new cursor icons.
  • Added a hotkey for previous rotation.
  • Buildings which can be rotated now have rotation icon in the build menu.
  • Monuments now have a monument icon in the build menu.
  • Added rotation button when using touch controls.


  • Mods folder is renamed to Assets. The assets are bundled with every build except for Windows.
  • Sentiment rework, fill in details.
  • “Hunger Halt Migration” no longer a thing due to sentiment rework
  • Colosseum and Hippodrome are now monuments. Colosseum now provides a global +5 entertainment bonus when built.
  • Mars module 1 allows the priest to go off road to the supply post.
  • Oracles and large temples are now mini-monuments - require the resources to be carried by a workcamp and built by an architects guild.
  • Various save elements have been made dynamically sized - reducing the savefile size and improving performance in small cities. Limits on number of buildings and walkers removed.
  • Improved warnings and errors when assets are improperly installed and when loading new save games in outdated builds.
  • Buildings that can't be built will be displayed with a red footprint.
  • When using undo, the houses will have their population restored.
  • Large statue is now animated if it has water access.
  • Changed import behaviour - the default setting when setting a good as importing will now be unlimited imports.
  • When changing the acceptance status of resources in warehouse/granary, the buildings will now remember their selected quantity.
  • Warehousemen won't show up until they find themselves a task - preventing their sprite flickering when they have no available task.
  • Building ghosts are now transparent instead of green.
  • Docks behaviour completely reworked and made more intuitive - can now select which cities a dock will trade with. A dock can now trade only some of the goods instead of all of them. Ships can visit multiple docks if necessary.
  • Engineer guild renamed to Architect guild, to avoid confusion with engineer post.
  • Adjusted the destination targeting, will no longer take the difference in road to Rome into account in its calculations, resulting in more predictable behaviour.
  • Cart pushers, dockers, market ladies and prefects will now occasionally change their target mid route, to make their behaviour more intelligent.
  • Special orders button will now only display available resources.
  • Requested food can now be sent from the granaries.
  • You can now import and export the same resource.
  • Trade advisor window reworked.
  • Trade advisor now allows mothballing of wharves.
  • Different pavilions are now a variant of one building type instead of separate building types.
  • Some entertainment/education buildings can now be upgraded with high desirability. Upgraded buildings provide more city-wide coverage, reducing the need for culture farms in well-designed cities.
  • When adding a resource to the warehouse, partially filled bays will be used before a new bay is claimed for the resource.
  • Allow importing food directly to granaries.
  • Change how the maximum number of traders from a city is calculated. Instead of being based on the average number of 'trade shields', it's now based on the total volume of tradable goods.
  • Adjust how favour changes from the player's salary is calculated. Instead of being based on the salary in January, it takes account of all the funds paid during the previous year.
  • Garden paths now adjust their graphics based on adjacent garden paths.
  • Crime changes, fill in details.
  • Large temples, large mausoleums, and nymphaeums now require 4 marble.
  • Rebalance the cost of monuments.
  • Rebalance of levies.
  • Right clicking on a monument hauler will now show which resource they are carrying.
  • Some epithet names for Grand Temples have been changed.
  • Adjusted entertainer destination walker building selection. Will now prefer buildings without shows a bit more.
  • Adjusted entertainment values, fill in details.
  • Blessing points are now slowly lost when the respective god is unhappy, instead of being lost all at once.
  • Text in the health advisor panel is now shown in white font, to match other advisors.
  • Added border to main menu.
  • Changed main menu image.
  • Added tooltips to the housing advisor.
  • Added warning about road access with monuments.
  • Dead protestors now have corpses.
  • Venues will no longer send labour seekers when they have employment but no shows.
  • Added borders to advisor windows.
  • Change the way farms convey productions - now they will slowly grow each field in cycle, instead of growing one to full before moving to the next one.
  • Improve Prefect target seeking - will now try to go for the closest criminal.
  • Prefects move slightly faster when chasing enemies.
  • Venus' blessing now reduces the unhappiness caused by unemployment.
  • Default difficulty is now normal.
  • Meat is now named as fish when appropriate.
  • Holding festivals moved to religion advisor.
  • Changed columns in some overlays, to have them show the severity of the issue through the use of colors.
  • Changed mounted auxilia death sound to a horse death sound.
  • Option to have monuments give extra culture rating removed, now integrated as permanently on. Culture given by a monument changed to +6. It now counts all monuments instead of only grand temples and the pantheon.
  • Changed the message when trying to build close to the wolves with the option selected. The range where the player is not allowed to build has been reduced to 6 tiles for wolves.
  • Temples and markets set to not accepting certain goods will no longer distribute them.
  • Added a new Housing Advisor icon.
  • Added Housing Advisor into the lineup of the advisor menu.
  • Game can now be exited from the Map Editor.
  • Removed prosperity cap from "society" graphs info in population advisor.
  • Auxiliary cavalry now makes a horse sound when killed.
  • Added colored cursor support.
  • Mars Grand Temple first epithet now discounts fort levies.
    -Watch towers now need barracks in order to be staffed.
  • Large temples now provide coverage for 3000 people. Their desirability has been increased to match large statues.
  • Lighthouse now requires timber to operate.
  • Levies adjusted, forts 10->8, Grand Temples 48->44, Lighthouse 20->8, Large Temples 4->8.
  • Aligned texts of some buildings.
  • Changed the exit panel button in the military sidebar.
  • Ghosts of monuments now display the complete monuments.


  • Fixed various bugs on big endian systems
  • Warehouses will now send food to granaries if there's any empty space in there, instead of needing to be half-empty.
  • Fixed various bugs with Venus temples providing wine.
  • Mars grand temple no longer grants +2 attack bonus to all soldiers.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to build more than 2 grand temples.
  • Roads now properly turn into the pantheon.
  • Neptune reservoir module now gives symmetrical water access.
  • Monuments no longer accept diagonal connection to access points.
  • Fix luxury palaces devolving when kept upgraded with the pantheon module.
  • Fix building orientations now showing up properly when having a rotated hippodrome in the city.
  • Fix supply post not being detected sometimes when loading a save.
  • Mars great temple will now send its priest to the pantheon, if the pantheon has the right module.
  • Disable undo option when certain houses change, preventing 'black hole glitch'.
  • Mess hall will no longer display employment access warning when global employment is turned on.
  • Sentries will now be properly assigned when some towers don't have road access.
  • Fix a bug allowing multiple supply posts to be built.
  • Supply posts will now be properly detected when building a fort.
  • Prevent building multiple unique buildings with the undo.
  • Prevent split housing from losing all coverage.
  • Multibyte fonts will no longer display as transparent.
  • Fix entertainer figures corrupting buildings memory.
  • Selected Mars grand temple recruitment priority button will now be properly highlighted.
  • Rioters can no longer destroy native buildings.
  • Removed ICC profiles from PNG files.
  • Trading ships will now play proper phrase when leaving the docks.
  • Docks no longer ignore Mercury monument bonuses.
  • Hauler animation no longer plays at double the speed.
  • Houses will not display a warning that it's devolving because it needs food, if the model file has been modified to not need food.
  • Augustus-added buildings with climate specific variants will now display proper ghosts based on the climate.
  • Fixed a bug where dead lion tamers would turn into tax collectors.
  • Fixed a bug where gardens' city sound would not play.
  • Fixed population graphs on large populations.
  • Fixed killall cheat removing fishing spots, fort standards, and military banners.
  • Fixed bugs where workcamps would stop getting resources if the closest monument's construction is halted.
  • Fixed entry/exit points changing their position when they have water access when the map is rotated.
  • Fixed a bug where forts could sometimes get additional soldiers.
  • Fixed mess halls fetching food even when not staffed by workers.
  • Fixed various graphical bugs with a military sidebar.
  • Fixed issues with “finish monuments” cheat.
  • Fixed problems when zoom is disabled in a city that’s zoomed in/out.