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Ruby library for communicating with the Tikkie API


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Tikkie API

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Unofficial Ruby library for communicating with the Tikkie API.

Table of Contents


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'tikkie-api', '~> 2.0'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install tikkie-api


Create a Tikkie client using your API key and an App token. If you don't have an App token yet, please read the documentation about App tokens or use the Sandbox apps endpoint to create an App token in the sandbox environment.

require 'tikkie/api'

client = "12345", app_token: "abcdef")

The client is created for the production environment by default. If you want to use the sandbox environment, then add sandbox: true:

client = "12345", app_token: "abcdef", sandbox: true)

Payment requests

Create a Payment request

Creates a new payment request. When the parameter amount is omitted, it will create a payment request with an open amount, where the payer can decide on the amount.

payment_request = client.payment_requests.create(
  description: "Test",           # mandatory
  amount: "12.50",
  expiry_date: "2021-01-01",
  reference_id: "Invoice 12345"

payment_request.payment_request_token  # => "qzdnzr8hnVWTgXXcFRLUMc"
payment_request.url  # => ""
payment_request.amount  # => BigDecimal("12.50")

See Tikkie::Api::Resources::PaymentRequest for all available properties.

List Payment requests

Retrieves all payment requests.

payment_requests = client.payment_requests.list

The payments requests response is paginated. You can iterate through the pages using and checking the result:

payment_requests = client.payment_requests.list

loop do
  # Do something with payment requests

  payment_requests =
  break if payment_requests.nil?

See Tikkie::Api::Resources::PaymentRequests for all available properties.

Get Payment request

Retrieve details of a specific payment request.

payment_request = client.payment_requests.get("payment_request_token")

payment_request.payment_request_token  # => "qzdnzr8hnVWTgXXcFRLUMc"
payment_request.url  # => ""
payment_request.amount  # => BigDecimal("12.50")
payment_request.payments  # => Tikkie::Api::Resources::Payments

See Tikkie::Api::Resources::PaymentRequest for all available properties.


List Payments

Retrieves all payments for a specific payment request.

payments = client.payments.list("payment_request_token")

The payments requests response is paginated. You can iterate through the pages using and checking the result:

payments = client.payments.list("qzdnzr8hnVWTgXXcFRLUMc")

loop do
  # Do something with payments

  payments =
  break if payments.nil?

See Tikkie::Api::Resources::Payments for all available properties.

Get Payment

Retrieves details of specific payment based on the token value.

payment = client.payments.get("payment_request_token", "payment_token")

payment.payment_token  # => "21ef7413-cc3c-4c80-9272-6710fada28e4"
payment.amount  # => BigDecimal("12.50")
payment.description  # => "Test"
payment.refunds  # => Array[Tikkie::Api::Resources::Refund]

See Tikkie::Api::Resources::Payment for all available properties.


Create a Refund

Creates a refund for a specific payment.

refund = client.refunds.create("payment_request_token", "payment_token",
  description: "Test",           # mandatory
  amount: "10.00",               # mandatory
  reference_id: "Invoice 12345"

refund.refund_token  # => "abcdzr8hnVWTgXXcFRLUMc"
refund.amount  # => BigDecimal("10.00")
refund.paid?   # => true

See Tikkie::Api::Resources::Refund for all available properties.

Get Refund

Retrieves details of a specific refund based on the token value.

refund = client.refunds.get("payment_request_token", "payment_token", "refund_token")

refund.refund_token  # => "abcdzr8hnVWTgXXcFRLUMc"
refund.amount  # => BigDecimal("10.00")
refund.paid?   # => true

See Tikkie::Api::Resources::Refund for all available properties.

Payment requests notification

See Notifications for information about parsing the callbacks.

Create a subscription

Subscribes to payment request related notifications.

subscription = client.payment_requests_subscription.create(url: "")

subscription.subscription_id  # => "e0111835-e8df-4070-874a-f12cf3f77e39"

See Tikkie::Api::Resources::PaymentRequestsSubscription for all available properties.

Delete subscription

Deletes the current subscription.


Sandbox apps

A sandbox app is used to make API requests in the sandbox environment.

You must initialize the Tikkie client by omitting the App token and adding the option sandbox: true:

client = "12345", sandbox: true)

Create a Sandbox app

Creates an app in the sandbox. The returned app_token should be used for all other API operations.

sandbox_app = client.sandbox_apps.create

sandbox_app.app_token  # => "935059a6-58b3-4f8d-a021-7bdda0d8d6ad"

See Tikkie::Api::Resources::SandboxApp for all available properties.

Error handling

All responses that are not HTTP status 20x will result in a Tikkie::Api::RequestError.

rescue Tikkie::Api::RequestError => e
  e.http_code # => 404
  e.http_message # => Not Found
  e.errors # => Array[Tikkie::Api::Resources::Error]
  e.messages # => "No payment request was found for the specified paymentRequestToken."


When subscribed to notifications, you can use Tikkie::Notification.parse to parse the payload of a callback.

require 'tikkie/notification'

notification = Tikkie::Notification.parse(request.raw_post)

notification  # => Tikkie::Notifications::PaymentNotification
notification.subscription_id  # => "e0111835-e8df-4070-874a-f12cf3f77e39"
notification.notification_type  # => "PAYMENT"
notification.payment_request_token  # => "qzdnzr8hnVWTgXXcFRLUMc"
notification.payment_token  # => "21ef7413-cc3c-4c80-9272-6710fada28e4"

See Tikkie::Notifications for all types of notifications.

API support

This gem supports Tikkie API (v2) as of release 2.0.0.

The deprecated Tikkie Payment Request API (v1) is currently namespaced under Tikkie::Api::V1 to allow migration to Tikkie v2. This code is not supported anymore and will be removed in a future release of this gem. To use the Tikkie v1 code, make sure to include the jwt gem in your code.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


Ruby library for communicating with the Tikkie API








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