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Simulate cantilever beam in implicit_jacobian_based.jl
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KeitaNakamura committed Aug 17, 2024
1 parent b65ece1 commit 7f12e22
Showing 1 changed file with 71 additions and 42 deletions.
113 changes: 71 additions & 42 deletions docs/literate/examples/implicit_jacobian_based.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,14 +1,18 @@
# # Jacobian-based implicit method
# ```@raw html
# <img src="" width="300"/>
# ```

using Tesserae

function main()

## Simulation parameters
h = 0.05 # Grid spacing
T = 1.0 # Time span
g = 20.0 # Gravity acceleration
Δt = 0.05 # Timestep
h = 0.25 # Grid spacing
T = 3.0 # Time span
g = 10.0 # Gravity acceleration
Δt = 0.01 # Timestep
if @isdefined(RUN_TESTS) && RUN_TESTS #src
h = 0.1 #src
T = 0.5 #src
Expand All @@ -19,50 +23,53 @@ function main()
ν = 0.3 # Poisson's ratio
λ = (E*ν) / ((1+ν)*(1-2ν)) # Lame's first parameter
μ = E / 2(1 + ν) # Shear modulus
ρ⁰ = 500.0 # Density
ρ⁰ = 1050.0 # Density

## Newmark-beta integration
β = 1/4
γ = 1/2

GridProp = @NamedTuple begin
X :: Vec{3, Float64}
X :: Vec{2, Float64}
m :: Float64
m⁻¹ :: Float64
v :: Vec{3, Float64}
vⁿ :: Vec{3, Float64}
mv :: Vec{3, Float64}
a :: Vec{3, Float64}
aⁿ :: Vec{3, Float64}
ma :: Vec{3, Float64}
u :: Vec{3, Float64}
f :: Vec{3, Float64}
v :: Vec{2, Float64}
vⁿ :: Vec{2, Float64}
mv :: Vec{2, Float64}
a :: Vec{2, Float64}
aⁿ :: Vec{2, Float64}
ma :: Vec{2, Float64}
u :: Vec{2, Float64}
f :: Vec{2, Float64}
ParticleProp = @NamedTuple begin
x :: Vec{3, Float64}
x :: Vec{2, Float64}
m :: Float64
V⁰ :: Float64
v :: Vec{3, Float64}
a :: Vec{3, Float64}
b :: Vec{3, Float64}
∇u :: SecondOrderTensor{3, Float64, 9}
F :: SecondOrderTensor{3, Float64, 9}
ΔF⁻¹ :: SecondOrderTensor{3, Float64, 9}
τ :: SecondOrderTensor{3, Float64, 9}
c :: FourthOrderTensor{3, Float64, 81}
v :: Vec{2, Float64}
a :: Vec{2, Float64}
b :: Vec{2, Float64}
∇u :: SecondOrderTensor{2, Float64, 4}
F :: SecondOrderTensor{2, Float64, 4}
ΔF⁻¹ :: SecondOrderTensor{2, Float64, 4}
τ :: SecondOrderTensor{2, Float64, 4}
c :: FourthOrderTensor{2, Float64, 16}

## Background grid
grid = generate_grid(GridProp, CartesianMesh(h, (0.0,1.2), (0.0,2.0), (-0.2,0.2)))
grid = generate_grid(GridProp, CartesianMesh(h, (-1,5), (-5,1)))

## Particles
beam = Tesserae.Box((0,1), (0.85,1.15), (-0.15,0.15))
particles = generate_particles(ParticleProp, grid.X; domain=beam, alg=GridSampling())
beam = Tesserae.Box((0,4), (0,1))
particles = generate_particles(ParticleProp, grid.X; domain=beam, spacing=1/3, alg=GridSampling())
particles.V⁰ .= volume(beam) / length(particles)
@. particles.m = ρ⁰ * particles.V⁰
@. particles.F = one(particles.F)
@. particles.b = Vec(0,-g,0)
@. particles.b = Vec(0,-g)
@show length(particles)
η = 1/3 #src
corner_p = argmin(p -> norm(particles.x[p] - Vec(4,0)), eachindex(particles)) #src
corner_0 = particles.x[corner_p] + η*h/2*Vec(1,-1) #src

## Interpolation
## Use the kernel correction to properly handle the boundary conditions
Expand All @@ -86,11 +93,19 @@ function main()

t = 0.0
step = 0
fps = 60
savepoints = collect(LinRange(t, T, round(Int, T*fps)+1))

Tesserae.@showprogress while t < T

activenodes = trues(size(grid))
for i in eachindex(grid)
if grid.X[i][1] < 0 && grid.X[i][2] > -(1+2h)
activenodes[i] = false
for p in eachindex(particles, mpvalues)
update!(mpvalues[p], particles.x[p], grid.X)
update!(mpvalues[p], particles.x[p], grid.X, activenodes)

@P2G grid=>i particles=>p mpvalues=>ip begin
Expand All @@ -105,15 +120,17 @@ function main()
@. grid.aⁿ = * grid.m⁻¹

## Create dofmask
dofmask = trues(3, size(grid)...)
dofmask = trues(2, size(grid)...)
for i in eachindex(grid)
iszero(grid.m[i]) && (dofmask[:,i] .= false)

## Update boundary conditions and dofmap
@. grid.u = zero(grid.u)
for i in eachindex(grid)[1,:,:]
dofmask[:,i] .= false
for i in eachindex(grid)
if grid.X[i][1] 0 && grid.X[i][2] > -(1+2h)
dofmask[:,i] .= false
dofmap = DofMap(dofmask)

Expand All @@ -136,15 +153,27 @@ function main()
t += Δt
step += 1

openpvd(pvdfile; append=true) do pvd
openvtk(string(pvdfile, step), particles.x) do vtk
vtk["velocity"] = particles.v
vtk["von Mises"] = @. vonmises(particles.τ / det(particles.F))
pvd[t] = vtk
if t > first(savepoints)
openpvd(pvdfile; append=true) do pvd
openvtk(string(pvdfile, step), particles.x) do vtk
function stress3x3(F)
z = zero(Mat{2,1})
F3x3 = [F z
z' 1]
kirchhoff_stress(F3x3) * inv(det(F3x3))
vtk["Velocity"] = particles.v
vtk["von Mises stress (kPa)"] = @. 1e-3 * vonmises(stress3x3(particles.F))
pvd[t] = vtk
mean(particles.x) #src
lx = particles.F[corner_p] Vec*h,0) #src
ly = particles.F[corner_p] Vec(0*h) #src
disp = particles.x[corner_p] + (lx/2 - ly/2) - corner_0 #src
disp[2] #src

function residual(U::AbstractVector, state)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -173,7 +202,7 @@ end
function jacobian(U::AbstractVector, state)
(; grid, particles, mpvalues, β, A, dofmap, Δt) = state

I(i,j) = ifelse(i===j, one(Mat{3,3}), zero(Mat{3,3}))
I(i,j) = ifelse(i===j, one(Mat{2,2}), zero(Mat{2,2}))
dotdot(a,C,b) = @einsum (i,j) -> a[k] * C[i,k,j,l] * b[l]
@P2G_Matrix grid=>(i,j) particles=>p mpvalues=>(ip,jp) begin
A[i,j] = @∑ (dotdot(∇w[ip] ΔF⁻¹[p], c[p], ∇w[jp])) * V⁰[p] + 1/*Δt^2) * I(i,j) * m[p] * w[jp]
Expand All @@ -182,7 +211,7 @@ function jacobian(U::AbstractVector, state)
submatrix(A, dofmap)

using Test #src
if @isdefined(RUN_TESTS) && RUN_TESTS #src
@test main() [0.5,1,0] rtol=0.02 #src
end #src
using Test #src
if @isdefined(RUN_TESTS) && RUN_TESTS #src
@test main() -0.8325 rtol=1e-4 #src
end #src

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