Hangman - This is an exercise project that lets you pratice with props, defaultProps, state, and simple click events and a lot more in React.
RollDice is the classic hangman game built as an exercise for this tutorial.
The rules of the exercise are as follows
Currently, the buttons don’t have a key prop. Fix this issue!
Above the currently-guessed word, we’d like to show the number of wrong guesses, like “Number wrong: 3.” Add this.
The game only comes (by default) with 6 gallows images and therefore should only allow six wrong guesses. However, it allows players to keep making guesses after this (and there’s a bug, in that the gallows images disappears after there are too many wrong).
Change the behavior of the game so that after six wrong guesses, it no longer shows the button area. Instead, it should show the message “You lose” and reveal the correct word.
Do this without hard-coding “6” in as the number of guesses — instead, use the prop for maxGuesses.
Add an alt attribute to the hangman image that explains how many guesses have been made, inc case the images don’t load. Something like “5/6” or “5 wrong guesses”
The game right now always uses the word “apple” as the secret word. There’s a file, words.js, with a list of words and a function to return a random word. Incorporate this so that the game uses this to choose a secret word.
Add a button that will restart the game. This should pick a new random word and reset the guessed list and number of wrong guesses.
Imagine that other games use a sequence of buttons with letters on them. It would be nice if the buttons could be reusable components.
- Clone the project to your local directory
git clone https://github.com/KaushikShivam/hangman
- The project uses NPM for managing dependencies. Run npm install to install all the required dependencies
npm install
- Run the task runner to run the app
npm run start
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