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Welcome to Cryptosystem Pailler images 👋


Program to encrypt and decrypt images (.pgm) with Paillier cryptosystem. Repository dedicated to an internship in the ICAR team at LIRMM.

📄 Documentation


Firstly, you need to clone or download the project. Through your usage, we recommend to git pull to update the project.

Then, install g++ version 11.

$ sudo apt install g++-11

You maybe need to install make, so use the command :

$ sudo apt install make

In order that you can compile to each modification, they have at your proposal the make programs in folders main, use the command :

$ make -f [makefile]



$ ./Paillier_pgm_main.out encryption [ARGUMENTS] [FILE.PGM]
$ ./Paillier_pgm_main.out encrypt [ARGUMENTS] [FILE.PGM] 
$ ./Paillier_pgm_main.out enc [ARGUMENTS] [FILE.PGM]
$ ./Paillier_pgm_main.out e [ARGUMENTS] [FILE.PGM]


$ ./Paillier_pgm_main.out decryption [PRIVATE KEY FILE .BIN] [FILE.PGM] [ARGUMENTS]
$ ./Paillier_pgm_main.out decrypt [PRIVATE KEY FILE .BIN] [FILE.PGM] [ARGUMENTS]
$ ./Paillier_pgm_main.out dec [PRIVATE KEY FILE .BIN] [FILE.PGM] [ARGUMENTS]
$ ./Paillier_pgm_main.out d [PRIVATE KEY FILE .BIN] [FILE.PGM] [ARGUMENTS] 

The image to encrypt or to decrypt can be specify after the key or the options, or at the end.


P and Q

$ ./Paillier_pgm_main.out encryption [p] [q] [FILE.PGM] 

Encryption mode where you specify p and q arguments. p and q are prime number where pgcd(p * q,p-1 * q-1) = 1.


-k or -key to specify usage of private or public key, followed by file.bin, your key file.

Encryption mode where you specify your public key file with format .bin.

$ ./Paillier_pgm_main.out encryption -k [PUBLIC KEY FILE .BIN] [FILE.PGM] 
$ ./Paillier_pgm_main.out encryption -key [PUBLIC KEY FILE .BIN] [FILE.PGM]

Decryption mode where you specify your private key with format .bin. The option ``-k` is optional, because it's obligatory to specify private key at decryption.

$ ./Paillier_pgm_main.out decryption -k [PRIVATE KEY FILE .BIN] [FILE.PGM]


-distribution or -distr ou -d to split encrypted pixel on two pixel.

-histogramexpansion ou -hexp to specify during encryption that we want to transform the histogram befor image encryption.

-optlsbr32 or -olsbr32 to specify that we want to use bit compression with encrypted through optimized r generation mod(32), so free 5 LSB.

-optlsbr16 or -olsbr16 to specify that we want to use bit compression with encrypted through optimized r generation mod(16), so free 4 LSB.


  • Add a -help -h option to print user's guide.
  • Generate documentation with dioxygen.
    • Complete documentation. [in progress]
  • Implement LSB compression.
  • Implement new solution for size encryption. (to make program usable with n > 256)


👤 Auxilien Katia

Supervised by William PUECH

Based on Norman HUTTE's and Bianca JANSEN VAN RENSBURG's code

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📝 License

Copyright © 2024 Katia Auxilien. This project is MIT licensed.

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