This is a personal repo that i used to document typeorm. wich i studied to work with in a project in 2022-2023 for my education in the graduat programming. This project is completely made in typescript. My database was a local mysql server running on a raspberry pi.
If all of it looks a bit messy its because i had a lot of projects to finish en study extra cullicular topics, i will try in the future to clean up this mess.
not sure how many notes i will add but might be interesting to look back at in the future.
notes: 16/11/2022:
Good progress from the knowing nihil to where i am now. I still make some faults at querying data or fall back to writhing sql queries. typeorm for sql is defenitly a + in my book, i might even add it to future projects or refacter old ones.
to install all packages
npm i
run project from the project folder:
npm start
Client: Node.ts, typeorm
Server: MySql