Feel free to open issues for problems you are having with the project! We will try to respond as fast as possible.
If you want to contribute, try to establish contact to the current developer team to discuss your proposed change first, so that you don't spend a lot of time for nothing.
The project is written in Python 3, using the infamous PEP8. Please feel free to break those guidelines if necessary.
For docstrings, we follow the reST style.
If you are leaving TODO comments, try to leave them in the style of
# TODO (<label>): <\Comment> [<Your Abbreviation> <Date>]
or just your abbreviation in case of more general comments. Labels used so far in the project include: Improve, Refactor, Bug, Document, Implement. If you think we need another category that is not covered by the current ones, please also add it here.
Last but not least: If you made any contribution, please also add yourself to the AUTHORS.md file ;-)