Hi guys, This repository consist of a source code of script to detect cars in a video/camera frame and then draw rectangaluar boxes around them.
The ML algorithms used for detecting cars and bounding boxes coordinates is a pretrained cascade model Haarcascade car.
The full article for this project is originally published on my blog with an article with title Real-time vehicle detection in python
Firstly we have to clone the project repository or download the zip of project and then extract it.
git clone https://github.com/Kalebu/Real-time-Vehicle-Dection-Python
cd Real-time-Vehicle-Dection-Python
Real-time-Vehicle-Dection-Python ->
Now once we have the project repo in our local directory, now lets install the dependecies required to run our script
pip install opencv-python
The sample video we used in this project is cars.mp4 which will come as you download or clone the repository, to load a different video with different filename, you might wanna change the source code a bit.
def Simulator():
CarVideo = cv2.VideoCapture('cars.mp4') # change cars.mp4 to name of your vidoe
while CarVideo.isOpened():
ret, frame = CarVideo.read()
controlkey = cv2.waitKey(1)
if ret:
cars_frame = detect_cars(frame)
cv2.imshow('frame', cars_frame)
if controlkey == ord('q'):
Now you can launch your scripts;
python app.py
If you use the provided sample video, your script is going to look as shown in the picture below;

Are you facing any issue while trying to run the script, well then raise an issue and I will do my best fixing it as soon as I can
All the credits to kalebu