- VMWare virtual machine
- Windows Server 2022 Standard x64
- 32 GB RAM
- 2.3 Ghz CPU
- .Net 6.0.6 - Windows Server Hosting, Runtime
- RabbitMQ Server 3.13.3
- Erlang OTP 26.2.5
- After cloning the repository, open the solution which opens both the server and client projects
- Publish both projects using the existing publish profiles.
- The published folder should be at the solution root, and will contain both the client and the server binaries.
- Transfer the published binaries to your VM.
- Modify the appsettings.json file in the 'Rabbit.Test.Web' folder. Under "BrokerConnection", modify the Host, Username, and Password for the rabbit login.
- Create a regular IIS Website, default log in and non-TLS will suffce, and point the directory to the location of the 'Rabbit.Test.Web' folder.
- Open a browser, navigate to the following address, http://localhost:{YourAssignedPort}/api/component/version. This should return a JSON with a version, this is to confirm that the website is running correctly.
- Start the executable under the 'Rabbit.Test.Client' folder.
- Fill out the host with the correct port you assigned when creating the IIS website in step 5.
- Fill out the amount of clients you want to try out, to replicate the issue 1500-2000 clients should be made.