diff --git a/src/lib.rs b/src/lib.rs index 5677676..56fb794 100644 --- a/src/lib.rs +++ b/src/lib.rs @@ -120,13 +120,15 @@ //! //! # Features //! You can use `Joycon-rs` for... +//! - Manage Joy-Cons +//! - Connection / Disconnection / Reconnection //! - [Send] / [Receive] raw packets (u8 array) to / from Joy-Con //! - [Receive input to Joy-Con][input_report_mode] //! - [Receive pushed buttons, and stick directions (one of 8 directions) on every button pressed.][SimpleHIDMode] //! - [Receive pushed buttons, stick directions (analog value), and 6-Axis sensor at 60Hz.][StandardFullMode] //! - [Get status of Joy-Con][SubCommandMode] //! - [Deal with LED (Player lights)] -//! - [Rumble] +//! - [Vibration (Rumble)] //! //! ## Planning //! - Receive NFC/IR data @@ -142,7 +144,7 @@ //! [StandardFullMode]: joycon/input_report_mode/standard_full_mode/struct.StandardFullMode.html //! [SubCommandMode]: joycon/input_report_mode/sub_command_mode/struct.SubCommandMode.html //! [Deal with LED (Player lights)]: joycon/lights/index.html -//! [Rumble]:joycon/struct.Rumble.html +//! [Vibration (Rumble)]:joycon/struct.Rumble.html pub mod joycon; #[cfg(doctest)]