Executable jar file to dump/export files in ext2/3/4 images also it supports sparse format. The tool is intended to analysis android's ota/factory files statically.
Basically this is a kotlin port of ext2rd. Though it lacks several operating system dependent features, But added some features and fix to help your analysis.
- Wild card search in images
- Extract multiple files without maintaining original directory structure
You can also include it in your project as a library to help research. Enjoy!
./gradlew shadowJar
Run jar file with a below command.
java -jar dist/ktextrd-all.jar
You can also execute it by a shell file in the project directory.
List files in the image.
./ktextrd.sh ext2img.ext4 -l
Verbosely list files in the image.
./ktextrd.sh ext2img.ext4 -v
Dump elements(superblock,inodes...) in the image.
./ktextrd.sh ext2img.ext4 -d
Dump a file in the image. You can specify the file by inode number or path.
./ktextrd.sh ext2img.ext4 -fd /root/hello.c
./ktextrd.sh ext2img.ext4 -fd #37
Export a file in the image.
(optional) You can add the output path after the identifier of the file by separating ':'
./ktextrd.sh ext2img.ext4 -fx /root/hello.c
./ktextrd.sh ext2img.ext4 -fx /root/hello.c:hello.c
./ktextrd.sh ext2img.ext4 -fx #37:hello.c
Dump files in the image. You can specify the files by a search string. You can include '?' and '*' as the wild card matcher in the search string. In case testing your search string, it provides '-w' option which list matched files instead of showing file dump.
./ktextrd.sh ext2img.ext4 -w */inode.c
./ktextrd.sh ext2img.ext4 -wd */inode.c
Export files which are founded by search string. You have to add the output path after the search string by separating ':'. The output path is a mandatory parameter and you must specify existent directory.
./ktextrd.sh ext2img.ext4 -wx *.c:/dist
Basically the command tries to maintain the original directory structure. If you want to output all files under a specific directory. add a 'f'lat option to the option. (Inode numbers are appended to the file name inc case file names are duped)
./ktextrd.sh ext2img.ext4 -wxf *.c:./dist
Dump a block or blocks by number.
./ktextrd.sh ext2img.ext4 -b 10
./ktextrd.sh ext2img.ext4 -b 100-115
Update offset bytes from a file head to the super block area. (Default = 1024 byte)
Override an inode number of the root directory of the image. (Default number = 2)
- Restore timestamp and attributes of file when exports
- Dump all files in image
- Maven repository settings
- Add useful tool for factory/ota image analysis
- super.img
- Refactoring