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Releases: KSP-KOS/KOS

dependency fixes

18 Jul 14:41
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The v0.13 release had a glaring error in how it depended on KSP. No idea how testing didnt catch it :P

0.24 Compatible

17 Jul 22:41
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  • This version does not include a kOS module manager file, if you still have one in your kOS folder, delete it.


  • BREAKING: Commrange has more or less been removed from stock kOS, we realized that most of the behavior of it was copied by other mods and was invisible to users
  • BREAKING: All direction references are now relative to the controlling part, not the vessel, this will only break on vessels there these two directions are not the same.
  • BREAKING: Direction:Vector will always return a unit vector.
  • BREAKING: Body:Velocity now returns a pair of orbit/surface velocities just like Vessel:Velocity does. (previously it returned just the orbit velocity as a single vector.)
  • BREAKING: Direction*Vector now returns the rotated Vector, and vectors can be rotated with DIRECTION suffix.
  • SHIP:APOAPSIS and SHIP:PERIAPSIS are deprecated for removal later, you can find them both under SHIP:OBT
  • SHIP:VESSELNAME is deprecated for later removal, use SHIP:NAME or SHIPNAME

New Features

  • Added the ability to get and set the current timewarp "Mode" either RAILS or PHYSICS
  • Added Boot files that will run when you get to the pad automatically, you select which one will run in the VAB thanks @WazWaz
  • Vessels and Bodies now can be used interchangeably as much as possible.
  • Three new prediction routines for finding state of an object at a future time:
  • POSITIONAT( Object, Time ).
  • VELOCITYAT( Object, Time ).
  • ORBITATAT( Object, Time ).
  • you can now get the FACING of all parts.
  • ITERATOR:END is now split into :NEXT and :ATEND
  • Direction can now always return a proper vector.
    • IE SHIP:FACING returned V(0,0,0) before
  • Added a 3d Drawing tool for letting you draw lines and labels.
  • Added a new and improved file editor so the edit command actually works again in game!
  • Added the ability to switch to MapView and back in code
  • ACTIVESHIP alias links to the ship that is currently under user direct control

Known Issues

  • due to issues with the new version of RemoteTech, you will always have a connection available for use with kOS.


  • if you have a target and attempt to set a new target and that fails, you would no longer have a target
  • increased power requirement of the kOS Module
  • Bodies are now targetable
  • MAXTHRUST no longer includes flamed out engines
  • resource floating values are now truncated to 2 significant digits to match the game UI and behavior
  • files saved to the local volume maintain their linebreaks
  • radar altimiter now returns a double
  • fixed an issues where setting some controls blocked the rest.
  • allow empty bodies on {} blocks
  • locks called from another lock are not correctly recognized
  • Neutralizing the controls will clear the values of all controls.
  • fixed node initialization
  • Better resource processing
  • LIST:COPY returns a kOS type that you can actually use
  • ORBIT:TRANSITION returns a string type that you can actually use.
  • Comments in code dont cause data loss on load/save


27 Jun 17:24
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UnitVectors Pre-release
  • BREAKING: Direction:Vector will always return a unit vector.
  • Direction can now always return a proper vector.
    • IE SHIP:FACING returned V(0,0,0) before
  • Neutralizing the controls will clear the values of all controls.

This change also contains all of the changes from 0.12.2P1 and 0.12.2P2


24 Jun 20:27
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Warp Pre-release


  • BREAKING: Commrange has more or less been removed from stock kOS, we realized that most of the behavior of it was copied by other mods and was invisible to users
  • BREAKING: Body:Velocity now returns a pair of orbit/surface velocities just like Vessel:Velocity does. (previously it returned just the orbit velocity as a single vector.)
  • This version does not include a module manager file, if you still have one in your folder from P1, delete it.
  • SHIP:APOAPSIS and SHIP:PERIAPSIS are deprecated for removal later, you can find them both under SHIP:OBT

New Features

Known Issues

  • due to issues with the new version of RemoteTech, you will always have a connection available for use with kOS, this will be resolved before final release.
  • rcs controls are not responding.


  • if you have a target and attempt to set a new target and that fails, you would no longer have a target
  • increased power requirement of the kOS Module
  • Bodies are now targetable
  • MAXTHRUST no longer includes flamed out engines
  • resource floating values are now truncated to 2 significant digits to match the game UI and behavior
  • files saved to the local volume maintain their linebreaks
  • radar altimiter now returns a double
  • fixed an issues where setting some controls blocked the rest.
  • allow empty bodies on {} blocks
  • locks called from another lock are not correctly recognized

Prior changes from Pre-Releaes 1

  • BREAKING: All direction references are now relative to the controlling part, not the vessel, this will only break on vessels there these two directions are not the same.
  • Added a 3d Drawing tool for letting you draw lines and labels.
  • Added a new and improved file editor so the edit command actually works again in game!
  • Added the ability to switch to MapView and back in code
  • Other bug fixes

New Features at last

21 May 13:31
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New Features at last Pre-release
  • BREAKING: All direction references are now relative to the controlling part, not the vessel, this will only break on vessels there these two directions are not the same.
  • Added a 3d Drawing tool for letting you draw lines and labels.
  • Added a new and improved file editor so the edit command actually works again in game!
  • Added the ability to switch to MapView and back in code
  • Other bug fixes

Many bugs, left side, Handle it!

17 May 09:41
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  • Fixed Terminal linewrap @ the bottom of the terminal
  • Fixed "Revert to Launch" button, it was blowing up the world and not allowing control before
  • Fixed LOCK s in subprograms
  • Fixed RemoteTech integration blowing up everything
  • Fixed flight controls not releasing when they should
  • Disabled RemoteTech Integration while RT development is stalled
  • Fix exception when trying to type a multiline instruction in the interpreter
  • srfprograde is available as a new shortcut
  • BODY now has an OBT suffix
  • Parts now have a SHIP suffix
  • You can now work with your target if that target is a docking port
  • Added a new PRESERVE keyword for repeating a trigger.
  • all active triggers are removed when a script is finished.

No longer blowing up everything

10 May 15:55
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After v12.0 we started finding a lot of bugs with steering and the "revert to launch" button. This is the first pre-release of v12.1

  • Fixed Terminal linewrap @ the bottom of the terminal
  • Fixed "Revert to Launch" button, it was blowing up the world and not allowing control before
  • Fixed LOCK s in subprograms
  • Fixed RemoteTech integration blowing up everything
  • Fixed flight controls not releasing when they should

Bigger, Better Mostly just Faster

01 May 01:10
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Thanks to all of the hard work by @marianoapp and @Dunbaratu, We have a new parser!

Known Issues

  • There's no built-in editor, the "edit" command is parsed but it doesn't do anything
  • Some subprogram termination can hang kOS unexpectedly
  • Steering control does not always release on execution end


  • the aforementioned new parser by @marianoapp with all of its speed improvements and other goodies.
  • There's a config SpecialValue that can be used to control how some of the mod features work, like setting the execution speed, the integration with RT2 and starting from the archive volume.
  • The terminal screen can be scrolled using PageUp and PageDown
  • Negative numbers/expressions can be written starting with a minus sign, so no more "0-..."
  • Added ELSE syntax!
  • Added ELSE syntax!
  • Added NOT syntax!!
  • Added List square brackets [] as list subelement accessor
  • you can use variables as arguments for PRINT AT statements

This version adds a new 0.625m part. Thanks to SMA on this neat new addition.

  • it works as a kOS computer core
  • has 5000 units of code space
  • as a smaller part it is unlocked with "precision engineering" in career mode.
  • also has a light that will be controllable before the actual release

Bug fixes

  • Cannot "set" a variable that later will become a "lock" #13
  • Sanitize values sent to KSP #14
  • Strange order of operations: "and" seems to evaluate before ">" #20
  • moved some names back to "kOS"
  • Work on some structure's ToString return.
  • Parameters now get passed in the correct order
  • Ship resources no longer generate an error if they arent present
  • Ctrl+C now interrupts correctly once again.
  • ETA:TRANSITION returns the correct time.
  • Better handling of types.

Please give feedback in the forum
Or issue a bug in the tracker

New Part, Bug Fixes

08 Apr 23:06
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New Part, Bug Fixes Pre-release

This version adds a new 0.625m part. Thanks to SMA on this neat new addition.

  • it works as a kOS computer core
  • has 5000 units of code space
  • as a smaller part it is unlocked with "precision engineering" in career mode.
  • also has a light that will be controllable before the actual release
  • Added ELSE syntax!

Bug fixes

  • Cannot "set" a variable that later will become a "lock" #13
  • Sanitize values sent to KSP #14
  • Strange order of operations: "and" seems to evaluate before ">" #20
  • moved some names back to "kOS"
  • Work on some structure's ToString return.

Better new parser!

20 Mar 21:54
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Better new parser! Pre-release

This is a PRERELEASE build that has quite a few bug fixes

  • Parameters now get passed in the correct order
  • Ship resources no longer generate an error if they arent present
  • Ctrl+C now interrupts correctly once again.
  • ETA:TRANSITION returns the correct time.
  • Better handling of types.