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Releases: KSP-KOS/KOS

Engines and KSP 1.7 compatibility

01 May 20:21
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for KSP v1.7 Downloads this release

Mostly this was motivated by a need to get an officially
recompiled-for-KSP-1.7 version out there (even though the previous
version worked on KSP 1.7, it wasn't officially compiled for KSP

Along the way there were one or two bug fixes and documenation


  • Not that we know of, unless you were unaware that some of
    the bugs fixed were in fact bugs and had written a script
    to expect that behaviour as normal. (Read the bug fixes
    below to be sure.)


  • Support of multiple-at-the-same-time engines that exist in
    some mods (but not in stock, as far as we can tell). Stock
    contains single engines in a part, and multi-mode engines
    in a part (where only one of the engines in the part is
    active at a time, i.e. wet/dry mode engines or jet/rocket
    mode engines). But some mods contain parts that have more
    than one engine in them that are selected at the same time,
    rather than toggle-switched like the stock multi-mode engines.
    One example is the RD-108 engine that the RealEngines mod
    provides. Its main "straight" engines are one Engine Module,
    and its smaller "gimbal" engines around the edge are a second
    Engine Module. Both modules are active at once and need their
    information aggregated to work with kOS's "an engine part is
    just one module" system. This PR does so.
    pull request
    Special thanks to first time contributer RCrockford for doing
    all the legwork on this


  • The behaviour of LIST ENGINES in regards to multi-mode engines
    was restored to what it was supposed to have been. Becuase of a
    small change KSP made, it's been wrong since KSP 1.5, apparently.
    Prior to KSP 1.5 it worked correctly by giving a list that contains
    one entry in the LIST ENGINES per engine. But since then it has been
    returning 3 duplicate instances in the list per each multi-mode engine.
    This release fixes it, and the previous correct behavior is restored
    (just returning one, not three).
    The problem was discovered during regression testing of
    the pull request,
    so the fix is inside that same pull request.
  • kOS could be rendered completely inert and broken if other mods not
    under kOS's control had broken DLL files. Specifically, kOS would
    abort partway through initializing itself if any other DLL file in the
    entire KSP game had failed to load during the KSP loading screen. kOS
    has a "reflection" walk through all the classes that hadn't accounted
    for the fact that .net apparently keeps a null stub of a class in memory
    after a class fails to load, rather than it just not existing at all
    like one would expect.
    pull request
    (This was discovered with KSP 1.7 because KSP 1.7 broke some other
    mod's DLLs making them not load, but the problem was actually there
    all along waiting for some DLL file to trigger it.)
  • Reworking the position of the Connectivity Manager Dialog box.
    Our exploratory reverse-engineering of just what the undocumented
    arguments to KSP's MultiOptionDialog mean, which was used to move the
    box to fix issue 2456
    were still wrong. They didn't do exactly what we thought they did.
    (The misinterpretation became relevant when the player has UI scaling
    set higher than 100% and that pushed the dialog box off screen.)
    Thanks to contributor madman2003 for doing more reverse-engineering
    on this and submitting the fix.

    pull request
  • Fix to bug where kOS scripts could no longer SET TARGET to a
    Celestial Body and could only set targets to vessels or parts.
    This bug was introduced in the previous release of kOS by a
    hamfisted typing error while fixing the fact that Body wasn't
    serializable. It was an error that unfortunately didn't result
    in any noticable problem when compiling or testing, as it
    only removed the Body's declaration that "I am the kind of class
    that knows how to be a target" and it affected nothing else.
    pull request
  • Several small documentation edits:
    pull request,
    pull request,
    pull request
  • Trying to toggle the panels value on or off would result
    in infinite log spam if the ship contained a fixed undeployable
    solar panel like the OX-STAT. kOS was watching for the existence
    of ModuleDeployableSolarPanel to see if the part could be deployed
    or not, but apparently at some point KSP started defining all
    solar panels as having ModuleDeployableSolarPanel, even if they're
    not actually deployable. Now kOS doesn't treat the panel as
    deployable unless it also has its animation property defined in
    addition to claiming to be a ModuleDeployableSolarPanel.
    pull request

Let's get Serial

08 Apr 22:42
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for KSP v1.6.1 Downloads this release

v1.1.7.0 Lets get Serial

Mostly fixes. The motivation for this release is to get fixes
out to the public before KSP 1.7 comes.

Built for KSP 1.6.1


  • Compatibility for the old Infernal Robotics is officially removed
    in favor of support for the "IR Next" mod.


  • Support for the "IR Next" mod. (The only infernal robotics
    mod was no longer being updated anyway and didn't work on
    KSP 1.6.1. But IR Next, although not officially released yet,
    does work on 1.6.1, so we switched to that.
    pull request
  • More types are now serializable as messages or JSON files:
    Notevalue, Direction, RGBAcolor, and HSVAcolor.
    pull request
  • CORE:TAG is now settable
    pull request
  • KUNIVERSE:PAUSE suffix added.
    pull request
  • Added a new TIME(seconds) Constructor to make a
    Timespan out of a Universal timestamp.
    pull request
  • New LIST FONTS. feature so the user can see which font
    names are loaded into Unity for use in user GUIs.
    pull request


  • Several documentation alterations:
    pull request
    pull request
  • kOS would throw a Nullref if a script tried to check for a CommNet
    connection to a vessel that has been classified as type "debris".
    pull request
  • Sometimes kOS broke the Space Center, making the buildings impossible
    to click on. This was caused by input locks not letting go when the
    terminal is open while the kOS physical part gets exploded.
    pull request
  • Fix to the kOS icon being broken (showing just a purple square) in Blizzy
    Toolbar mod.
    [pull request(
  • GeoPosition was written improperly in messages or JSON files.
    pull request
  • The "hue" part of HSV colors was never quite implemented properly from
    when it was first introduced. (It was mapping all hue numbers down
    into just 1/6th of the full range of hues, so greens and blues
    were not available.)
    pull request
  • When using the message queue system while Remote Tech is installed,
    you could not send messages to vessels far away outside the load
    distance bubble (i.e. 2.5km-ish). This is fixed.
    pull request
  • Vecdraws were incapable of drawing dark colors like black because they
    were using an additive-only shader.
    pull request
  • Fix a case where cooked steering from the terminal refused to let go if
    a subsequent kerboscript error is typed into the same terminal.
    pull request
  • If "run once" was used, and the system chose not to run the program
    because it was already run, it was possible for the stack to get
    corrupted in a way that confused defaulted parameters to programs.
    pull request
  • Fixed Multimode engine bug that was introduced in v1.1.6.1.
    pull request
  • Moved kOS dialog box to a new position to fix a clickthrough
    problem that caused you to secretly pick a kOS connectivity
    manager without realizing it when you click on things in the
    Remote Tech dialog box.
    pull request

Folder Path Protection

18 Feb 04:37
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v1.1.6.3 Folder Path Protection

Built for KSP 1.6.1

This is a patch for protecting against some kinds of file folder access that concerned us for those people using kOS to set up "Twitch Plays kOS" streams.

Although we try to block a kerboscript's ability to access files outside the Ships/Script/ folder, we cannot (and will not) guarantee to have thought of every trick a clever person might come up with to fool the system into allowing access. As always, be wary that if you allow any random arbitrary person to run scripts (in any system, in any language, really) on your own computer that you have not read through and vetted yourself, that you are doing this at your own risk.


If you currently have a "Twitch Plays kOS" stream, or plan to set up one in the future, PLEASE see this writeup:

Quickfix for texture files (DDS)

08 Feb 23:23
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for KSP v1.6.1 Downloads this release

Nothing but a quick patch to v1.1.6.0.

NEW Features

As part of fixing the bug below, the terminal window background was blackened a bit to increase the contrast and make the text in the terminal more visible.


The v1.1.6.0 update resized a few of the PNG images used in the GUI panels, which exposed a bug that only manifests on some graphics cards (that we don't have on the dev team so we didn't see the problem). KSP converts PNGs to DDS format upon loading them, and appears to use the Direct3D graphics driver to do so. Older graphics cards refuse to do that conversion on images that aren't exactly expected sizes. We were just "lucky" that this never happened in the past with the image sizes we were using. Converting them to DDS ourselves and shipping them that way, we bypass this problem.

quickfix MAXTHRUST (at pressure)

04 Feb 21:55
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Nothing but a quick patch to v1.1.6.0.


v1.1.6.0 had a flaw in MAXTHRUST, AVAILABLETHRUST, and engine ISP calculations that always calculated them as if your ship was in vacuum even when it's not. This was deemed an important enough problem to warrant a quick-fix release.

It's been too long without a release

04 Feb 03:49
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v1.1.6.0 It's been too long without a release.

Built for KSP 1.6.1

It's been a long time without a release. We kept putting it off until
"that one more thing" was merged in, and there was always "that one more
thing", again and again, that kept putting off the release more and more.
Eventually we decided to release what we had since there's so many fixes
the public weren't getting.

This release incorporates 50 separate Pull Requests from many individuals.
As always, thanks to everyone who contributed over the last year. (Has it
really been that long? Almost.)


(None that we know of, but this is a big update so we could have missed


  • Was reading POSITIONAT() from the wrong orbit patch when getting a
    prediction for the moment when a patch transition should occur.
    pull request
  • Stage:resources gave wrong values in cases of stages without a decoupler.
    pull request
  • Several documentation clarifications. See individual links below for
    more details:
  • Fixed error detecting VT100 terminals in telnet (used wrong substring compare).
    pull request
  • Fixed bug of multiple ON triggers melting their "prev value" trackers together
    if the triggers came from the same line of source code.
    pull request
  • Fix a bug with RemoteTech autopilot premissions getting lost.
    pull request
  • WHEN/ON statements inside anonymous functions now working properly.
    pull request
  • (attempt to?) Fix problem where bootfiles weren't copied in Mission Builder
    pull request
  • Massive refactor of how trigger interrupts work, that allows them
    to behave more consistently and allows more complex layering
    of triggers. (In this CHANGELOG, This is listed both under "new
    features" and "bug fixes" since it's both.)
    pull request
  • Fix stack alignment bug that happened when a bootfile runs a
    KSM file that locks steering:
    pull request
  • Fix: Locked steering refusing to let go if the IPU boundary
    lands right in the middle of kOS's steering trigger (kOS
    not having "atomic sections", the ordering of the opcodes
    mattered a lot).
    pull request
  • Fix: Undocking/Decoupling while a kOS unit on the lower half
    has locked steering used to cause the lower stage's kOS unit to spin
    the upper stage's steering and never let go of it.
    pull request
  • Fix: Hyperbolic orbits now allow negative anomaly angles to
    represent measures "prior to periapsis" correctly. (Previously
    it represented a value like -10 degrees as +350 degrees, which
    doesn't make sense if the orbit isn't closed and won't come back
    pull request
  • Fix: E,S, and R keys now working right in text editor widget in
    Linux port. kOS incorrectly prevented the E, S, and R keys from
    passing through to other widgets before. This error was only
    noticed on Linux because Unity3d's event queue passes through
    widgets in a different order on different OS ports.
    pull request
  • kOS will now let go of the steering when the program dies
    due to a lack of electricity. This allows your vessel to get some
    power recharging again when it starts getting sun on the solar panels
    again. (Previously the steering deflection was still present, meaning
    the ship needed a recharge rate higher than the power the torque wheel
    expended in order to actually get a net positive recharge.)
    pull request
  • Fix: UTF-8 text files that contain a BOM (Byte Order Mark) are now
    parse-able. (Notepad.exe was really the only text editor that
    triggered this problem. No other editors put a BOM in UTF-8 files.)
    pull request
  • Fix: If you lock steering from the interpreter, then also run
    a program that locks steering, that program used to bomb with error
    when it tried to exit and return to the interpreter.
    pull request
  • Fix: Using the meta-key AltGr on some European keyboards was causing
    garbage to appear in the terminal interactive prompt, but only on the
    Linux port of Unity3d. Again, Unity3d does weird things in its Linux
    port for no apparent reason (they're not because of the OS itself),
    that we have to accommodate.
    pull request
  • Fix: Bulkhead profile added to part files. It is required for the
    new KSP 1.6.x filtering "by diameter" feature. Without it, the VAB
    could hang forever when a user clicks that tab.
    pull request
  • Fix: Map View no longer rotates with the vessel when focus is on
    the terminal window. It's a stock bug that required a bit of
    trial and error to pin down, then an ugly kludge to keep it from
    being triggered.
    pull request
  • Fix: OrbitInfo:TOSTRING now prints the body name properly.
    pull request


  • Made several of the string parameters to GUI widgets optional.
    pull request
  • Massive refactor of how trigger interrupts work, that allows them
    to behave more consistently and allows more complex layering
    of triggers. (In this CHANGELOG, This is listed both under "new
    features" and "bug fixes" since it's both.)
    pull request
  • Allow "close window" button to exist on the RMB menu.
    pull request
  • New suffixes to read if Body has a surface, an ocean, or children.
    pull request
    pull request
  • Vecdraw now can set updater delegates directly in its constructor.
    pull request
  • All command codes in a script text file will be treated as whitespace
    now, just in case there's any in there junking up the file.
    pull request
  • Add a "CID" Craft-ID suffix to Parts.
    pull request
  • Constant:G is now being calculated from the game itself instead of
    being a manually typed constant in the kOS source.
    pull request
  • New value, Constant:g0 - useful for ISP calculations.
    pull request
  • Make terminal's "dim" unfocused mode stop being transparent, for extra
    readability. (It was never transparent enough to usefully see through,
    but it was transparent enough to make it hard to see the letters.)
    pull request
  • GUI tooltips now implemented.
    pull request
  • Fix: All the image files and texture files are using .DDS format now,
    and both X and Y resolutions for them have been resized to exact powers
    of 2, which DDS requires. (Unity loads DDS files faster, and they
    form a smaller download ZIP).
    pull request

Basic Compatibilty for KSP 1.4.1

14 Mar 02:34
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This release is mostly just a recompile to make kOS work with
KSP 1.4.1, with the few changes that were needed to keep it
working, and whatever bug fixes happened to already be
implemented when when KSP 1.4.1 came out.

Backport of kOS v1.1.5.0 to KSP 1.2.2. (for KSP 1.3.x, use kOS v1.1.5.0 instead)

25 Jan 22:22
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v1.1.5.1 Backport of kOS v1.1.5.0 for KSP 1.2.2 (for Realism Overhaul users)

Built for KSP v1.2.2 (for users of Realism Overhaul still stuck on the old version)


This release is ONLY FOR users still stuck on KSP version 1.2.2. It is NOT THE MOST RECENT version of kOS. It is a backward port of the most recent version, just for those users who cannot update their KSP game to version 1.3.1. (Generally, Realism Overhaul users).

We release first for the most modern version of KSP at the time, then port backward to older versions after that, removing things that won't compile on the older version. Thus the back-port has a higher version number than the modern port.

If you are on KSP 1.3.1, continue using kOS v1.5.5.0 instead of this one.

hotfix default function scope.

01 Jan 22:05
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v1.1.5.0 HotFix for nested function scope.

Built for KSP v1.3.1

This release is just to fix one bug introduced by v1.1.4.0
that was discovered post-release by the users, during the
Christmas-NewYears time. The fix was quick but release
was delayed for after the holidays.


None that we know of. This change shouldn't even require
recompiling KSM files, presuming you had them recompiled
already for v1.1.4.0.


  • The default scope for declare function when you say neither
    local nor global, was always defaulting to global
    in the previous release (kOS, when it was supposed to be
    context dependent. It was meant to be global only when the
    function is at outermost file scope, but local when the
    function is nested at any inner scope deeper than that. This is
    now fixed, and this bug is the main reason for this hotfix release.
    pull request
  • The above bug also exposed a vulnerability in how kOS's own errors
    (ones that are the dev's fault, not the user's fault) are dealt
    with. If ReplaceLabels() (a final step of loading a script into memory,
    that happens when you RUN a .ks or .ksm file) threw an exception,
    then the user would see the same error message repeating forever,
    and never get control of that kOS computer back again. (This
    vulnerability was introduced when compiling was moved to its own
    thread, for complex reasons, but only just discovered now because
    this was the first time ReplaceLabels() had an exception since that
    move had happened.) It is fixed now.
    pull request

v1.1.4.0 Does faster compilation break a work flow?

v1.1.4.0 Does faster compilation break a work flow?

23 Dec 08:54
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for KSP v1.3.1 Downloads this release

This release was primarily focused on speedups and smoothness
of execution. We welcomed a new developer (github username @tsholmes)
who contributed a lot of bottleneck analysis and code speedups. The
goal was to reduce the burden kOS causes to the physics rate of the
game, and consequently also allow tech tree scaled performance by era
for the kOS computer parts themselves (slow at first, faster later).


  • If you use the compiled script feature YOU MUST RECOMPILE ALL KSM FILES,
  • Files now have an implied local scope, causing the following change:
    • Previously: If you declared a variable as local at the
      outermost scope of a program file (outside any curly braces),
      then it had the same effect as global, creating a variable
      that you could see from anywhere outside that program file.
    • New behavior: Now that there is an outermost scope for a file,
      local actually means something in that scope. To get the
      old behavior you would need to explicitly call the variable
      (The variables magically created via the lazyglobal system will still
      be global just like they were before.)
  • Parameters to programs now have local scope to that program file.
    (Previously they were sort of global and visible everywhere, which
    they shouldn't have been. If you relied on this behavior your
    script might break.) This is of particular note when working with locks and
    triggers as the local parameters may conflict with the global scope of these
  • Functions declared at the outermost scope of a program will now
    keep proper closure, making them see variables local to that program
    file even when called from outside that file. This may hide a global
    variable with a more local variable of the same name, when previously
    the global variable would have been accessible from the function.
    (You probably weren't relying on this buggy behavior before, but
    if you were, this fix will break your script.)


  • File scope: Previously, kerboscript did not wrap program files
    in their own local scope. (Declaring a local in a file had
    the same effect as declaring a global there). Now each program file
    has its own scope (and also the parameters passed to a program file
    are local to that file scope).
    • NOTE: For backward compatibility, there is one important exception
      to the file scope - functions declared at the outermost level by
      default can be globally seen in other programs. You CAN get functions
      that are local to the file's scope, but you have to explicitly include
      the local keyword in the function declaration to make that happen.
      pull request


  • The regular expression syntax used to compile programs has been heavily
    modified to speed up file parsing using start string anchors and eliminating
    string copying.
    pull request
    pull request
  • Suffix lists are no longer initialized on every call, saving both execution
    time and memory.
    pull request
  • Various string operation optimizations for internal string lookups.
    pull request
    pull request
  • The cpu stack was re-written to use two stacks instead of using a single stack
    with hidden offsets.
    pull request
  • Cache type lookup data for suffix delegates.
    pull request
  • Begin encoding identifiers directly in opcodes instead of pushing a string
    identifier prior to executing the opcode.
    pull request
    pull request
  • General optimizations for the C# source code, including for unit tests.
    pull request
    pull request
    pull request
    pull request


  • Functions at the outermost file scope level now have closures that can
    see the file scope variables properly. Previously they could not (but
    this did not matter since there was no file scope to matter. This bug
    got exposed by the other file scope changes.)
    pull request
  • Fixed inability to use flight controls on a craft with local control when
    RemoteTech is installed, both with and without a probe core installed.
    pull request
  • Fixed a crash to desktop when attempting to parse very large numbers.
    pull requst
  • Fixed syntax errors in the exenode tutorial documents. The code as displayed
    has been tested to work correctly as of this release.
    pull request
  • Parsing numbers on host computers that normally expect the , character to
    be used as a decimal symbol will no longer be blocked. kOS now forces the use
    of CultureInvariant when parsing numbers, so all locales will be required
    to use the . character for decimals.
    pull request
  • Action Groups Extended support should once again work as the the method used
    to detect that the mod is installed has been repaired.
    pull request
  • Attempting to delete a path that does not exist no longer throws a null
    reference error.
    pull request
  • Documentation was added for part:hasmodule suffix.
    pull request