Minecraft now has Kobras in the very first version pistons got added, you can watch this video for more information - How to Generate a Spawner in MCJE Beta 1.7.
Kimo made a mod that allowes to constantly power detector rails (as if they always have minecarts on them), this greatly speeds up the development of Kobras, since we don't need to worry about minecarts. This MCEdit filter is made so you can convert builds made with such mod into Kobras that work in vanilla single player.
It does two things:
- places a minecart above each detector rail;
- changes data value of all rails, so there are no sloped rails.
Download 32 bit MCEdit and open mcedit.exe
Quick Load -> Select needed world -> Select an area -> Press Filter option in the bottom menu
In Filter window press Filter: - it's a shortcut to open filter folder
Download beta_kobra_fixer.py from this repository and drag & drop it into opened filter folder
Now reload filters by selectind different tool in tool box and going back to Filter, now you can find Beta Kobra Fixer filter!
By default filter sets all detector rails data value to 8 (powered north-south), you can modify the value to your needs: https://minecraft.wiki/w/Detector_Rail#Data_history
Now select Filter tool, find "Beta Kobra Fixer" tool and click "Filter". You can also toggle an option to change all detector rails to default data value (this is needed to fix sloped rails on upwards extensions).
Save the world by pressing Ctrl + S.
- v1.0 Added the ability to change all rails to data value 0 (unpowered north-south) and place minecart on them.
- v1.1 Fixed default data value to 8 (powered north-south) and added ability to change it. Fixed a bug where entity UUID is bigger than 32-bit signed integer
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