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Webbased Editor for CbC to replace the Eclipse based CorC.

Cbc is an approach to create correct programs incrementally. Guided by pre-/postcondition specifications, a program is developed using refinement rules, guaranteeing the implementation is correct. With CorC we implemented a graphical and textual IDE to create programs following the CbC approach. Starting with an abstract specification, CorC supports CbC developers in refining a program by a sequence of refinement steps and in verifying the correctness of these refinement steps using a deductive verifier.

Learn more information around CorC and the underlying concepts in the wiki.

Backend development

The backend is a REST API developed in Micronaut. To run the project from cli ensure you have a JDK 21 installed and run:

./mvnw mn:run 

Frontend development

The frontend is a SPA developed in Angular 19 with Angular Material as the component framework. For the development dependencies use the devcontainers.json or install the project dependencies with

npm install

For running the development server and linting use the angular cli. Install the angular cli via npm:

npm install -g @angular/cli@19

And use the serve command in the angular cli to run the development server:

ng serve


This repository contains Dockerfiles for the backend and frontend. The Dockerfiles prefixed with dev. are for development purposes. For the full deployment of backend and frontend for development via docker-compose files are also included. To run the stack in development:

docker compose up -d -f

Clone this repository for example into /opt/WebCorC:

git clone /opt/WebCorC

Ensure to change the default values in the docker-compose.env file and run:

docker compose up -d 

The production docker compose file includes a caddy webserver for proper deployment.

Reverse Proxy (nginx)

If you already have a webserver on the host deployed you must edit the docker compose file: You need to add port mapping to the frontend and backend services and replace the ports in the upstream blocks. The following bare configuration is tested but lacks the configuration for certificates for https:

upstream webcorc-frontend {

upstream webcorc-backend {

server {
    listen       80;
    listen       [::]:80;

    access_log  /var/log/nginx/  main;
    error_log   /var/log/nginx/;

    location / {
        proxy_pass http://webcorc-frontend/;
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;

    location /api {
        rewrite ^/api(.*)$ $1 break;
        proxy_pass http://webcorc-backend;
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;


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